View Full Version : Well its come for me today..

08-13-2012, 02:01 AM
Welcome back unreal feeling.
Been two quite good days why have you come for me today?
Oh I know. Because I've let you.
Couldn't get me yesterday so got me when I'm tired and hungry? Well done.
Well just like before your not gunna beat me today, or any other day.
The racing heart doesn't bother me, do it all day long if you want.
The racing mind doesn't bother me, I'm used to it.
Even the sick feeling in my belly doesn't bother me, I've had morning sickness do u think a dodgy bellys gunna bother me?
The fact that your trying to convince me I'm mad does.
The fact your trying to convince me I'm not real does.
The fact that you have the cheek to attack me today when I've just opened my eyes really winds me up.
And the fact you've give me the feeling that everything that means something to me is a figment of my imagination is the worst.
But I KNOW its just anxiety.
I KNOW I'll feel better Later in the day.
And one day soon I won't give two fucks about you, you don't interest me now, your not gunna interest me ever.
So I'm gunna plan my day, decide whatto do with myself and hopefully I won't see you again anytime soon.

08-13-2012, 09:48 AM
BRAVO!!! you understand "it", you accept "it"....YOU'RE ALMOST THERE!!!


08-13-2012, 02:19 PM
I got it :) (smiling like a chesire cat LOL) it managed to keep a hold on me for quite a while but I grabbed it back (just) its a sneaky little thing! Plays on all your worse nightmares -_- I have the key though! Have you heard that song 'I've got the key, I've got the secret'? It playing in my head LOL but I'm gunna give myself a week and I think I'll have cracked it properly! (Even went for a spray tan today NEVER done that before!) :D

08-13-2012, 02:32 PM
OMG!!! Do you have a fever?...JUST KIDDING! I'm still sittin here boggled as to your sudden forward movement and approach towards daily life in a BRIGHT CHEERY HAPPY FULFILLING way and quite literally an overnight success. You just made up your mind, made a choice, and went for GOLD!! Amazing Camilla91!!

*doing new things=you've never done before??...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YAY!

Now, go sneak around here and share some skills, words, hints of how to climb out of The Grand Canyon without a rope!!!

Have a great day!...

Mr. I accidentally scared the poo outta someone but didn't mean too Man..(I'm still a work in progress too..wa)

08-13-2012, 03:29 PM
LOL I think you've developed a habit of scaring people! LOL (btw on my 'success' (ish not there yet) I did it without one tablet :D although I suspect i will be on some form of medication towards the end LOL) gunna go harrass some people on here with my babbling advice lol btw did I get the question right? Its driving me mad! I read it thought I knew the answer and 5 minutes later it hit me! LOL then I tried t msg u and couldn't n thought 'my god he's gunna think I'm a right div for not seeing that!' LOL