View Full Version : Anxiety, but what is this?

08-12-2012, 09:39 PM
About 2 and a half months ago my anxiety was triggered and it hasn't gone away since. I would wakeup sweating with terrible panic attacks. Getting up in the morning would make me nervous and taking a shower would make my heart race. All day long my heart would be racing and I would be in this state of panic. About a week of this then I started taking st johns wort. I took 1 pill 3 times a day for a week. Then 2 pills, 3 times a day for about 3 weeks. It seemed to just mask it and I still was in a state of panic almost all day. It gave me insomnia to where I didn't get any sleep at all for probably weeks straight. It took a while even after I stopped to start sleeping.

I just don't enjoy anything. Nothing makes me happy. The only feelings I get are anger and sometimes sadness. I get angry at the littlest things now that never used to make me mad. Everything I do feels like a chore. And at this point I'm so far from myself that I don't act like I used to one bit. I'm insecure but idk why it's like I'm forced to be. I'm soo quiet around anybody even when I'm around my girlfriend, when we used to talk so much and have a great time. Now I'll sit there and won't say anything unless something is said to me. My mind is completly blank and I don't know what to say anymore. It takes me a while to even send a text because I don't know to say. My memory is terrible now too. I can barely remember anything short term or long. I feel like everything I've learned is locked up in my brain and I can't access it. I can't focus on even simple tasks. I just don't feel at ease anymore. I feel insecure when around anybody, even my own family. Being around people just gives me a sense of unease now.

If I was a random person who just met me, I would describe me as a dull, boring person, who is nervous and has little to pretty much nothing to say. A person who doesn't want to talk but does because he has to.

I did not used to be like this, I just want to be myself again. And I want to know what's wrong with me, and what I should do. Please help!

08-13-2012, 07:00 AM
Sounds like you're feeling a bit of depression mixed in with that anxiety too. I'd recommend seeing a doctor/psychologist/therapist if you haven't already.

Until then... chin up! I can't give you a ton of advice, never having dealt with depression first-hand, but try to keep living your life. Talk to people you trust about your issues. Go throughout your day like you would normally - unless that's not possible for whatever reason.