View Full Version : surgical anxiety?

08-12-2012, 07:29 AM
Tomorrow I'm having some nasal surgery and I'm freaking out. I'm worried that I won't be able to sleep and my doctor said not to take anything past 8 o clock. I'm also freaking about the IV, but it's possible they can do that while I'm under, so fingers crossed.
how do I get through the night? :(

08-12-2012, 08:18 AM
Hey Yanni!

Youre gonna get through this one just fine..Ya know how I know??
1. Surgical proceedure=anestetic=whats going on=wow, this is a really nice room..so pretty=zzzzzzzzz
2. Also just to clarify, you're going to ask said Dr. for clarification of what the word "anything" means according to him?...
3. I too am freaked out about IV's=needles!..but that's only a seed in the mind, not yet rooted and blosiming..plus it makes NO sense considering when you take into consideration that (I'm more comfortable in a street brawl)...
4. You just made it through the night Yanni...because of the reality and truths of above, and..you too also have warrior "instincts' you've just never used them!

well, no sense in saving em for future use because you'll never need to use them anyways..except for 1 night.

I've got faith friend...

Best wishes,