View Full Version : A message to anxiety.

08-12-2012, 02:30 AM
To my anxiety..
I have something for you today.. Two fingers!
I'm going out with the family today and could very much do without you! If you come for me today be prepared for fight, I'll be coming for u!
I've did not have much sleep last night so I'm expecting you.. Remember that. I am expecting you, not the other way round. You can't surprise me today because I know your coming, and I'll wait, and when you do come (becuase I know you will) I'll be ready to put you on your arse.
Sincerly 'you don't wanna mess with me today.'

08-12-2012, 03:29 AM
Anxiety is tough, but no mach for an angry, northern lass... lol

08-12-2012, 04:06 AM
Two fingers ? I personally would show it one .... :)

08-12-2012, 04:19 AM
LOL its not gunna get me today! I can feel it niggling away in back of mind but I'm ready! LOL if the two fingers don't work I'll be sure to try one! Lol

08-12-2012, 04:28 AM
hhaaha you go girl .... Show that anxiety who's boss ....... :D

08-12-2012, 04:36 AM
If fingers don't work... pull a moony! lmao

08-12-2012, 04:38 AM
If fingers don't work... pull a moony! lmao

HAHAHAAHAHAHAH Out the car window?

08-12-2012, 04:40 AM
Can tell u lot are men! LOL no I will not pull a mooney to anxiety, it will get the fingers and that is all LOL

08-12-2012, 04:48 AM
HAHAHAAHAHAHAH Out the car window?

lmao... YEEAPPPPP... paint "UP YOURS" on your left arse cheek and "ANXIETY" on your right...

(Could make a great facebook profile pic? lol)

08-12-2012, 04:52 AM
Have u tried kali.phos number 6 u can get them from holland and barratt or most health shops they are tissue salts not pills and i always carry them with me. They do a whole for different ailments but number 6 is for anxiety they just help u calm down! They are not pills so u can take the whole pot and the wont hurt u in fact i think i did on the day of my dads funeral while everyone else was on brandy!!! Everytime u feel it coming just tell it fuck off its not getting u today!!! Lol


08-12-2012, 04:56 AM

<does that dance where you cuff hands and move the arms in a circular motion>

Luvvin' these tough-girls attitudes today :-)

08-12-2012, 05:10 AM
Lol that's my plan (not the moony thing the fuck off thing lol) I might have a look in holland and barretts for the number 6 thing, thanks for info! Xxx

08-12-2012, 05:26 AM
I'm not a man ..... :o

08-12-2012, 05:30 AM
Really? LOL sorry! You've got a very laddish sense if humour! LOL bet you don't get embarrassed easily! Lol shoulda guessed by the name, sorry! (Can't believe I just said that what an idiot LOL)

08-12-2012, 05:49 AM
haha it's ok ...

I am a bit of a tomboy or laddish as you call it ... I've worked in the motor industry for 14 years, so have been around males nearly my whole working life ... Also in high school I hung out with guys .. I am into cars and all those types of things ... at the ripe of age of 32 I have only just started to wear skirts and high heels and wear makeup when I go out ... LOL .... I make friends easier with guys than with girls, but having said that my self esteem is fairly low and I am quite shy in real life, and don't make friends nor get along with people too easily ...

08-12-2012, 06:12 AM
> my self esteem is fairly low and I am quite shy in real life

Nowt wrong with that. In fact, it's cute in girl I think.

Mind you... ya gotta watch out for the quiet ones... ;-)

08-12-2012, 06:13 AM
> not the moony thing

Booooooo! was lookin' forward to the photo's haha

08-12-2012, 06:17 AM
> my self esteem is fairly low and I am quite shy in real life

Nowt wrong with that. In fact, it's cute in girl I think.

Mind you... ya gotta watch out for the quiet ones... ;-)

Yeh we can be a bit of a handful ..... lol

08-12-2012, 07:39 AM
gotta say lads are a lot easier to talk to then lasses, they dont want or need to know everything! i prefer lad mates they just seem to 'get' the strange ones like us, but sometimes we need that one girl mate to cry at and babble at.. my one girl mate (best mate) ended up being to preoccupied with herself right now so im sort of alone, il say 'hey i feel a bit down today' and she'll reply with 'yeah so do i, theres so much shit in my life right now' my reply? 'aww whats up?'... theres her problem shared and mine still stuck in my head if u know what i mean? lol (by the way i was a tomboy, always feel better in my trackies LOL)

08-12-2012, 07:40 AM
and sorry dazza.. no photos for u LOL

08-12-2012, 08:15 AM
and sorry dazza.. no photos for u LOL

Ahhh... ooops... sorry, forgot this was an anxiety and not a dating site for a minute, lol

08-12-2012, 08:39 AM
Camilla, Your "instant" shift from OMG!!! to yer in my control now is SOOOO admirable, and also (quite rare, you're VERY strong)....
Dazzyboi G, Your ability to share "vibrance" with others through a computer screen is comendable, therapeutic, astonishing. (You do however worry me with the flourescent yellow short thing just a tad)...LMAO!
PantherChik, Your ability to lift "optimism and spirits" is a gift..you're an "adaptogen" which means you can adjust to fit any circumstance..(You're blessed..)
KJAC, You add a "positive balance and support" to those who need it..(You're genuine)

Most days around here as you all may recall from memory...it is doom, gloom, and hopelessness that is exhibited and presented...NOT as common, and frequent but still arrives and creates disruption for our fellow friends and members...It's people like you that can truly help others in need of something, and alot of the time..those people arent even sure what it is theyre looking for to begin with..They're looking for "genuinely sincere" people, just like all of you...

Have a great day all!

(PS: photos of what??)....LOL!

Mr. WTF Just Happened (aka Enduronman)....

08-12-2012, 09:48 AM
To mr WTF just happend (LOL)
Thanks for that msg! You seemed to sum everyone up quite (wtf is that word?!!) I'll just put well, you seemed to sum everyone up quite well! Lol I agree with everything you just said! (Except the me bit acting strong and being strong are too very different things -_- lol)
It wasn't really in my control today, I been having an internal fight with it for past 2 hours! LOL I knew it was coming though so prepared myself and have only had one (very small) panic attack LOL I won't let it beat me, I absoultely refuse to. I created it in my head I'm sure I can 'uncreate' it. I have prepared myself for a huge fight these next few weeks and I WILL bloody win!
P.S you really don't wanna know what the pictures were LOL
Camel :)