View Full Version : Feel Like ..................

08-12-2012, 01:34 AM
So I've only just started on medication, and the doctor has said that it can take up to 2 - 4 weeks to have any affect .... well this is great, except the fact that I feel like crap now and really wish it would work .....

The BF has just gone out, and I feel all alone.. . I know I have to let him do his own thing, but I just feel abandoned. I've just spent the entire weekend with him, and well we DO live together, so he will be home eventually , but why do I still feel this way ..... Oh wait, I know why now .. :(

Doesn't make it any easier to cope with .... especially considering what has gone on the past 2 weeks or so .... and I think it's what triggered my depression/anxiety from the depths within ....


The doctor prescribed me with Valium, which yes I might take, however I can't right this minute, because I'm not allowed to drive and in an hour I have to go out and pick up my son from his father ......


I hate the feeling of abandonment, when I know that I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't get sad or angry when he goes out and does his own thing, it will only push him away further .. I know where he is .... but I still feel ..........

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh !!!!! :(

08-12-2012, 03:44 AM
Right... forget all the negativity for one moment will ya?

I mean:

FACT: BF will be back in no time.

FACT: It's good for the relationship for the couple to do their own thang from time to time.

FACT: You've only got an hour and a bit to kill before you have the choice to take the valium (which will put a smile on your face, by the way - but it's up to you whether you want to take it or not)

FACT: You haven't been abandoned - you've been left to play on your own for a bit :-)
Stay on this forum if you want or go for a walk, chill in the garden or whatever. The choice is ALL YOURS.

FACT: Worry is the root of all evil, esp. where anxiety is concerned.
SO... toss those worries aside and think of the last good or funny thing(s) that happened to you and hold that/those thought(s)

FACT: I don't have a hangover today but I am wearing some ridiculous shorts.

08-12-2012, 04:01 AM
Thanks for your reply Dazza, you made me smile ...

Fact #1: Indeed he was actually, he was home before I even got back from picking my son up from his father... (although I have a feeling that he will go out again soon)

Fact #2: I know , and I appreciate that, I honestly do, but it's how my anxiety starts and has done for a long time and I don't know how to control the feelings (just yet)

Fact #3: I chose not to take the Valium, but it's there if I need it

Fact #4: I know I haven't been abandoned and I ended up doing some of my study then it was time to go pick up my son. My brain just can't help think these negative thoughts, which is WHAT sucks ...

Fact #5: I hate worry, it IS my evil ......

Fact #6: LOL at your comment and thank god you don't have a hangover , that's always a good thing, however what type of shorts are you wearing ?

08-12-2012, 04:12 AM
See... it all works out in the end, huh?

Always does and always will <-- make a mental note of this statement. Brand it hard on your bum cheeks if you must...

Let the fact that "it always works out" be your saviour.

Think NOW how you felt at the time and conclude that the worry was completely unnecessary.

As for my shorts... they are of the brightly flourescent, Hawaiin variety. The kinda shorts that attract attention and have passers-by thinking what a complete knob you look.
(I like to see that reaction on people's faces... lol)

08-12-2012, 04:22 AM
But if I brand it on my butt I won't be able to see it ... :P

but yes you are right, and often I worry myself into such a state that when I finally find out what's going on, my worry was all for nothing ... IT SUCKS .. hopefully I shall learn over time to control such emotions ..

So passers by think you look like a complete knob, UNLESS you are in Hawaii, which I am sure you are not, considering it says your location is the UK, so wearing such fluorescent shorts in the UK, where there are not (as far as I am aware) lovely pristine beaches, may yes indeed make the passers-by think you are a knob ...

See now I am rambling ...

08-12-2012, 05:07 AM
> But if I brand it on my butt I won't be able to see it ... :P

BenDover and look in the mirror then! hah!
(It wouldn't look so good on the forehead really - would spoil your makeup)

> but yes you are right, and often I worry myself into such a state that when I finally find out what's going on, my worry was all for nothing ... IT SUCKS .. hopefully I shall learn over time to control such emotions ..

That is precisely what anxiety is all about. Unnecessary worrying that goes bad. It starts off a perfectly normal worry, but then often crescendos into panic & hideous, transient, physical symptoms that have you running for A&E... ALL BECAUSE of this stupid, original worry.

You will learn it. Guaranteed. Unfortunately the cure is acknowledgement and acceptance (through experience) and until you reach this stage it will prevail.

Take each panic as the next step forward. Since you've experienced it AGAIN and all was good in the end AGAIN... these facts will eventually sink in.
Sink in to the very same part of the brain that is currently only able to panic.

08-12-2012, 06:18 AM
ha ha ha BenDover ... funny man ...

08-12-2012, 06:22 AM
lol... Ben Dover and Phil McAvity... two very contraversial characters :-)

08-12-2012, 07:43 AM
Well at least you've finally found them, geeze I was getn worried there for abit..and I will let (this overly annoying)_ Mr. Jas know too as soon as I can! Hey you remember Hugh don't you?...well, thank God because the calls were getn old!!

Question?..Do you glow in the dark with those on?
