View Full Version : Anybody get this?

08-11-2012, 11:47 PM
I have this feeling that my left forearm is like dead.. its not tingling but it just feels heavy..

also i keep burping and i have a lot of pressure in my chest.

to the people who read this and dont know me or my other posts

im 15 y/o male. highly athletic. so the risks of it being heart related are little to none. on top of that i've already had a chest ct scan (they checked my lungs and heart) and it was all clear.

but thats whats going on!
is it gerd?

can someone who knows a lot about gerd type everything they know in the reply/comment section? thanks!

08-12-2012, 12:25 AM
I have gerd and anxiety problems
And the anxiety, when out of control can make gerd worse. You would feel pressure right in the center of your chest not more to the left. You aren't too young to have gerd, my best friend has had it since age 8. I take prilosec, have had a script for it for several years. Currently its not working so well and I will probably have to change to something else. I hope that helps ease your mind. If you've had your heart checked then there's no congenital defect, and it takes a long time for plaque to build up in your arteries. I hope this helps ease your mind some.

08-12-2012, 12:48 AM
definitely helps. thanks!

08-12-2012, 04:03 AM
Hi Tristan

I get the chest pressure, burps and have had bouts of tingly left arm on many occasions.
Burping gives some relief to the pressure.

I've actually just put this all down to anxiety but I'm now toying with the idea that it could be an acid-related problem (which itself was probably caused by anxiety)

It's not ALL the time, just sometimes.

Having lived with some pretty hideous symptoms for the past 7/8 months, I'm kinda used to it all... but if these particular symptoms don't dissappear within the next few weeks then I'll likely take a precautious visit to the docs.

08-12-2012, 09:08 AM
Hey trista!!!

Son,..did you EVER just take an OTC for heartburn prevention, acid reflux prevention, GERD prevention yet as I SUGGESTED THAT YOU DO 3 DAYS AGO?

Answer is: NO!!! YOU HAVE NOT!!!

So, before you post 1 more single word about how your "chest" is worrying you into the state of "Holy S**T I'm going to have a heart attack at age 15ville"...
Take any suggested preventative medication in the class of medications as listed above SON!!..or...Papaw Intense WILL find you, and we're not going to play a game of football either..

We all care about ya Son,..but listen to your Elders please (respect us=we respect you)...

Now go enjoy some sun and have fun!!

Papaw E-Man....:)

08-12-2012, 10:55 AM
im guessing tums dont work very well for gerd?

08-12-2012, 01:46 PM
Try Gaviscon... The tablet that you chew and it foams in your mouth b4 you swallow it. It's gross, but works great for Gerd!!!! It coats your esophagus and your stomach... Good luck :-)

08-12-2012, 02:03 PM
6 months ago I was just like you! Scared that I was going to have a heart attack at any moment with chest pains, pressures, racing heart, heart palps, you name it I had it! If you haven't noticed that your not dead by now, you should realize that these pains are a notification that your more alive than dying! Also most of your chest pains, if your getting any, are caused by YOU! You are subconsciously tightening your pectoral muscles causing pain! Took me a while to notice this myself! I promise you these pains will go away if you put into your head that your not dying and it's all anxiety!

08-12-2012, 02:38 PM
I do notice sometimes that my pectoral muscles are tense.. But like i said, im very active and work out.. I dont lift weights though.. I do mainly cardio. Which is weird because even through all the exercise i have, i still think of the worst... haha

I did realize that yes I am still alive, so my chest pain hasn't occurred in a couple days.