View Full Version : When can a person go on meds to help their anxiety?

Gemma S
08-11-2012, 08:36 PM
This is something that has baffled me a little. I'm 19 years old and all through out my life I have suffered with anxiety. When I was very young it was separation anxiety. When I was 8 it was OCD and GAD. When I was 16 it was social phobia and clinical depression as well as psychotic thoughts. I have been out of CBT now for maybe just over a year almost two and again I feel as if I'm struggling. My thoughts and worries never stop. I have tried self medicating with alcohol and have even tried smoking weed a couple of times which is never a good idea with my racing brain. I can't hold down a job or go to college as I can never follow through on anything. My relationships are rocky as they always have been and I have started to isolate myself again. SO my question is how bad does a person have to feel before medication is considered. Unless this is something else because I really don't want to be in and out of therapy my whole life. I don't have quite as many physical symptoms apart from sweating and lethargy. Most of it is mental.

08-11-2012, 09:10 PM
I've only just started my medication , and I don't think I am THAT bad , although I am (if that makes sense) ... I don't have the physical, all mine are mental :(

I guess you just need to find the right doctor and tell him exactly how you're feeling. That you have tried everything to make these things go away and that you just can't.

I went to a doctor about a year ago, as I felt I suffered from depression then, but the doctor said to me , nar you'll be right just change your lifestyle. a year later I still have the same reactions, went to another doctor who said that yes you do have depression.

08-11-2012, 11:49 PM
I'm only 15, they gave me meds.. only for when i have a panic attack.

but im sure its not a big deal.. just take it, and if problems persist or get worse talk to your doctor asap.

08-11-2012, 11:50 PM
oh and smoking weed makes anxiety worse..

08-12-2012, 08:57 AM
Dear GemmaS,

Welcome to our world friend.
1. Lifetime of anxiety.
2. Confirmed anxiety, OCD, GAD, SAD, Depression, = the potential risk of BD, mania, = (thoughts you recognized all by yourself as being psychotic in nature)= low grade/mild schitzophrenia...It's OK,..I GOT ALL THIS TOO so slow yer breathing down after reading these words..Recognizing these thing, realizing these things mean YOU'RE A STEP AHEAD OF ALL OF THEM!..smart young man, very smart..
3. Now, all that being typed, read, understood by you, read by your own eyes, processed in your mind= the answer to your SO question?..When????????

Is,..asap. OR tomorrow..

NO reason to delay, wait, stall, and allow these thing to form 1 HUGE BUNDLED MENTAL ORDEAL that NO Dr. would ever be able to "decipher".....You've already done it for him/her..

Go get the chemical assist you need and must have, to equalize the imbalances in your brain circuity before it "short circuits" your entire system...

Honest advice, suggestions, opinions sought...honesty returned to you.

Have a great day bruh!
