View Full Version : Scared of everything!

08-11-2012, 05:55 PM
Hi Everyone,

I suffer health anxiety/panic disorder. My fears are mainly all fears about my heart. Heart attacks ect. I get terrible pains and scared to exercise or even cleaning sets my anxiety through the roof. I am also scared of things like taking new pills,new foods,touching notes from the bank because I read 95% are tainted with drugs so I'm terrified the drugs would enter my system. I'm scared of choking,do hardly eat. Anyone else have a lot of fears?

08-11-2012, 06:17 PM
Hey Kimby,

Yes. There are ALOT of people out there, and in here..with ALOT of fears. I'm going to have to be open and honest with you up front, your posted paragraph is the shortest and most brief "I'm scared of everything" cry for support, understanding, guidance, and knowledge that it is you seek. We ALL wish to help you outta this but in order for us to do our part, you must do yours as well and that is simply who is kimby88 and does she know how,where,when this nightmare began?..

The more you openly share, the more input you will receive..Make sense??

Yes, there's a way out. We just gotta locate it first friend..and then we'll start working on knocking the door down with you...

Nice meeting you.

Enduronman.. :)

08-11-2012, 07:48 PM
Yes ma'am, I have all the same fears as you... Heart, drugs, touching certain things in fear that drugs will rub off on me, etc. it's miserable! I've actually gotten better about the heart thing and the touching thing, but trying new MEDS for my anxiety is my biggest hurdle! I recently tried Buspar and quit after 2 days b/c I had strange dream which led to strange thoughts and high anxiety... Mind you, I don't even think enough if the drug was in my system to cause anything negative (or positive)! Lol... I have to laugh at myself sometimes... Keeps me from crying about it. Good luck to you and try telling yourself good thought to combat your neg thoughts. :)