View Full Version : Is my fear realistic??

02-26-2007, 10:34 AM
I just hate being anxious.. I wish there was an easy solution

CUrrently i have the fear of someone killing me because lately ive been mean to some people i know and its like they are gathering up on me behind my back or i cant really tell.. i know it sounds unrealistic but i also thought it was unrealistic receiving a hate mesage from these ppelple , something i didnt expect but something which happened.

what should i do? is my fear realistic?

V for Victor
03-02-2007, 10:49 AM
Well, being mean to people isn't the best course of action, no matter what. :)

Depending on what you did and what the hate message said, there may or may not be cause for concern.

Hopefully it's something that'll just blow over. If it's really bothering you, perhaps you should apologize for whatever happened and make peace over it.

Is this fear just an isolated incident, or do you find yourself obsessing about whether or not somebody is out to get you a lot?

03-02-2007, 03:10 PM
I just hate being anxious.. I wish there was an easy solution

CUrrently i have the fear of someone killing me because lately ive been mean to some people i know and its like they are gathering up on me behind my back or i cant really tell.. i know it sounds unrealistic but i also thought it was unrealistic receiving a hate mesage from these ppelple , something i didnt expect but something which happened.

what should i do? is my fear realistic?

First things first.

Are those people from a criminal organization? If not, you've just cut your chances by 90% :D . Also, does it involves stuff like cheating or stealing? If not, you have lower it from another 9.9%. Rarely people will kill you because of words. They might beat you up but killing, lol, I don't think so.

Like V said, apologies is the best way to go because "apologies aren't meaningless" ;) .

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much. Let's look at it this way, you have more chance of getting kill crossing a street...