View Full Version : What is wrong with this????? is it ME!!!!

08-11-2012, 08:28 AM

I'm E-Man and I'm an addict.

Here we go again!!

1. My daughter made it over promptly to do colleg admin papers.
2. My daughter asked me a question?
3. I answered said question with great clarity, speech, proper tone, audible, in our own spoken language.
4. She then asks it again?
5. I AGAIN answer the same question, with the same answer....grrrrrr
6. She then asks it again, with a tiny added in varible but still the EXACT SAME QUESTION!!!
7. I said "holy f**k how many times do you need to hear the correct answer!!!"
8. She said "gawd yer such an a**hole!"

Do people need to hear the same f**king answer repeatedly to finally hear it?
Do people need to hear the same f**king answer with varying tones to understand it?
Do people need to hear the same f**king answer with a new facial expression in order to understand it?
Do people need to hear the same f**king answer multiple times, with varying tones of voice, with an odd facial expression to understand it?

or..are the people that I am answering:
1. retarded?
2. semi-retarded?
3. tone deaf?
4. have only 1 brain cell remaining?
5. need to be told to STFU and stop askin me the same f**kin question over and over and over or you're goin to piss me off and the IED may take over and then you will be in much pain because I wish to apply great, sudden, and intense painful damage to the general localized area around your mouth?



E-Man....(hiding in a closet now, to protect them....)

08-11-2012, 08:55 PM
Um, didn't this same thing happen w your wife and the sleeping pills the other day? Either your surrounding yourself w ppl who need hearing aids, or maybe they fear that you'll change your mind and twist off on them? Idk, but why don't you take your own advice and drink some green tea and chillax bruh? Screw em' if they can't take a joke! Hahaha Peace!

08-12-2012, 12:40 PM
What was the question? Need more info!

08-12-2012, 01:36 PM
Can't private msg u, u need to delete some msgs but I see it! LOL there is nothing wrong. No illness just a strange sense of self importance. U gave me a trick bloody question LOL
That's what I 'see' anyway. If I saw her (actually saw her) I'd know before she even spoke, u have a gift for 'seeing' in words, I see it in people in front of me (we could make quite a team!) LOL

08-12-2012, 02:14 PM
Dear Whatif Camilla Surfaced?...

You ALL just made me literally fall outta my chair in hysteria!! abahahhaahahaahaaaaah!!! BUT..Do you know what I "see" in ALL 3 of YOU????

One word: Brilliant!

Use it wisely or someone may figure you out!...we don't want that...shhhhhh

Thank You!!

Enduronman :)

08-12-2012, 02:16 PM
PS @ WhatIf...I would have to have a green tea IV and one of those IV stands complete with rollers! LOL!!! :)

08-12-2012, 04:48 PM
Literally made me laugh out loud!!! I love you EMan, you ROCK! Hahahaha

08-12-2012, 05:07 PM
Laughter is a natural remedy for "freaked out f**kers like us!"....abhahahahaaa!!

In fact, I told my wife the other night to read a post that I had put up, and I quote what I told her "I put together a post to attempt to make other people smile or laugh at my expense and suggested that they go look into a mirror and scream f**k you Eman!! Yer an idiot Eman!!!..and it also made m laugh too so sit down and read it if you want too."...

Her very FIRST comment was "OMG, why would you put (I know I'm am an idiot, and IDC!) in the title?".....

She was lost from the moment I explained what she was GETTING READY TO READ ABOUT!!!...even though I GAVE HER THE FREAKIN PURPOSE OF THE STUPID POST before she sat down!!!...bahahahahaaaaaahha!

I turned, walked out of the room, went to the opposite side of the house, locked the door,..and climbed UNDERNEATH the sofa..to hide, ME FROM HER!!



08-12-2012, 10:51 PM
Hahaha your poor wife.. You crack me up! Btw, I went to the grocery store today and guess what I bought... GREEN TEA baby!!! Bah ha ha ha ha!

08-12-2012, 10:59 PM
YEAH BRO!!! S**t my poor wife??...Poor me!!! Enjoy the effects of the tea friend...pleasant.



08-13-2012, 03:47 PM
My fella gets annoyed if he has to repeat himself a few times cos i didnt hear or quite understand and it usually ends in "IT DOESN'T MATTER!" god it's so annoying, I can't help it if I'm a bit slow! Haha

08-13-2012, 04:42 PM
So do I!!! I get IRATE if I have to hear the same sentence 21 times!!!.... Or if I answered the first question VERY CLEARLY the first time, and then it gets asked 4 MORE TIMES!!! WAAAA! WWWAAAA!!

Thats when I go climb under the bed and hide..to keep her safe from ME!


08-13-2012, 04:56 PM
How long have you been married? Arent u used to it by now? Lol Do you get angry at a lot of things?