View Full Version : quick help?

08-11-2012, 07:22 AM
i have a nectarine in my hand and i ant bring myself to eat it! can some reassure me that the nectarine cannot hurt me and if i eat it i wont have any bad side effects.. i know exactly how daft this sounds but darent eat it in case it makes me poorly lol

08-11-2012, 07:48 AM
Dear Camel,

Quit stareing at a f**kin orange and thinkin that hidden within the fruity nectar is a sinister little germ or virus that was injected into it by the N. Koreans...cuz it aint gonna hurt you! I will save you lass!!! (unless of course DAZZBLASTER refuses to return the cape I love to wear...daily...)..


08-11-2012, 07:57 AM
LOL thank you for your inspiring message! LOL i have taken a small bite of the necterine (you know A PEACH not an orange LOL) thank you very much :) me and the peach will get on well :D
'camel' LOL

08-11-2012, 08:10 AM
I knew that..just get self-entertained by typing stupid s**t sometimes..(all the time),...or not! Hell IDK!...

and there is nothing in that grape that is harmful to your body..(unless it was grown in the deserts of Libya)....

SMILE TODAY!!! JUST 1 TIME!!!....Then try the "mirror" therapy....:)

08-11-2012, 02:52 PM
Hi camilla- why couldn't u eat the necterine?? Just out of interest

08-12-2012, 01:33 AM
This is also a complicated one lol i KNOW the necterine couldnt hurt me.. but had this horrible feeling that if i ate it, it would give me the 'unreal' feeling and because id already ate it, it would already be in my system i would be able to get it out.. if that makes sense?

08-12-2012, 03:51 AM
Q. What's worse than a maggot in an apple?

A. Half a maggot - because you know you've eaten the other half.

Ugghhh... reminds me of a time when I was still living with my parents and mum made me a rushed packed lunch one time.
The salad in my sandwish hadn't been washed properly and the first bite was kinda crunchy.

WTF was this crunchy bit, I pondered... lowered the sandwich so I could get a good look and YEAH, there it was... half a millipede pmsl.


My apple was also a tennis ball (serious).

Bless mum and her poor eye sight.

Hope this helps? lol

08-12-2012, 04:29 AM
No that does not help! LOL I know what to check all the food I eat! LOL I had a similar experiance with an apple my mum gave me, took a huge bite out of it noticed a stange circle.. Upon further inspection a bloody worm popped out! -_- thanks mum.. At least I never ate the worm just its home LOL

08-12-2012, 04:33 AM

Mum's are great, eh? lol

Wont 'urt ya me old love. Once upon-a-time, when we roamed the earth on all fours (& flung foesis at eachother), we'd have to survive on insects, berries and whatever we could catch!

08-12-2012, 05:35 AM
You are not very helpful LOL I don't wanna eat bugs and berries! I want a big FAT chicken burger.. But my maddness prevents me LOL and we never had mental illnesses in the time we threw foeces at each other so I don't trust our ancestors LOL

08-12-2012, 06:20 AM
>and we never had mental illnesses in the time we threw foeces at each other

Probably not - since our brains were only a fraction of the size.

However, I can't imagine that sleeping in a cave with a T-rex in the vicinity was a completely anxiety-free experience, lol

Chicken burger... mmmmm, with mayo, crips lettuce + tomatoe.
Got me thinking of KFC now!

08-12-2012, 07:13 AM
mmmmm... dont! i took my son kfc and had to resist the urge to stick my head in his dinner! LOL
good point about the t-rex thing... im gunna start by putting different things in my mouth, then chewing and if thats fine il swallow..
how has this happened to me? LOL im a big bird and i want to eat my bloody food!!