View Full Version : Contention - a promoter of anxiety

08-11-2012, 07:02 AM

Nice day in the UK!

There've been a few posts regarding anxiety promoting personality traits as of late and I'm a firm believer that certain traits can cause mental disorders.

However, I'm now toying with the idea of contention.

When I say contention, I mean mind contention... like; you may do something, but on the other hand you might question what you've just done.


You've just eaten a double-quarter pounder with cheese, large chips and a choccy milkshake.
It was DEEEEELISH and you thoroughly enjoyed every gob full.

Now then, having eaten the forementioned fatty, lardyarse meal... you might then sit there nursing your bloated guts, thinking about the damage that you've just consumed... and this causes a contenscious mind-set.
(Yummy burger BUT now i'm full of grease)

I'm pretty sure this example alone could lead to some anxiety, and there are perhaps hundreds of such contenscious thoughts that go through our heads each day?

Interestingly, my mum smokes like a trooper and can drink like a fish. My dad smokes very, very little, is more health conscious and doesn't drink an awful lot.
They are, in fact, a contenscious couple in this regard. Quite different in their outlooks and opinions.

Who's the happiest?
Mum of course, lol

Who's the grumpy git?

We must inherit both our parents opinions, therefore I wonder if we end up a little mixed from this... which could lead to a mental disorder.


Whatever you do, BE HAPPY with it, for contention causes mental grief.

If ya gonna smoke, then smoke and love it.
If ya gonna be a health freak... then love it also.

Best not to question things all the time and just accept?

08-11-2012, 07:44 AM
"We all have our parents genetic traits, code, biomarkers, copies, and we have all received 20 genes from each that BARE A HUGELY INTENSE LOAD upon all of our minds, each 1 of those 20 genes has a tiny piece of genetic material attached to it.. When these genes cross, is what causes, creates, and instanly give us all the "GENETIC PRE-DISPOSITION THAT INCREASES THE LIKELIHOOD OF HAVING A MENTAL DISORDER, AUTOIMMUNE SYSTEM DISORDER, OR A DISEASE"....

PS: Eatin a double-quarter pounder right now...nom nom....