View Full Version : Hey everyone! Help me feel less crazy! Haha

08-11-2012, 01:30 AM
Hi, I am a 23 year old guy and I believe I have been struggling with anxiety for about the last year. It all started one day when I started having chest pain. It increased till one day at work, it all spilled over and I was sure I was having a heart attack. I left and went to the emergency room, where the kept me over night and preformed many a test on me. I was released the next night, and for a while, I felt great. I was sure that I had no heart problems, and all it was was GERD. They also said it could have stemmed from anxiety, but didn't go too much into detail. So, fast forward a few months, and my acid reflux is bad, but I know it won't kill me. And then everything hit the fan. I started to notice permanent eye floaters, and soon after that started to get dizzy, with blurry vision. Then the headaches started. They are all over my head including around my eyes. Then I started having pains all over my body. I am now "sure" that there is something wrong with my brain, and I can't convince myself otherwise. There are a lot of things that could cause anxiety, I lost my job, almost lost my father to heart disease (which didn't help with my fear of it). I feel awful all the time. I can't sleep, I feel almost woozy a lot of the time, and want nothing more that to go to my doctor and get checked out, as that seems to be the only thing that makes me feel any better. Alas, with my job went my health insurance, and my income, so I'm kinda in a corner.

Is there anything I can do to feel better? I just really wanna talk it out with someone, and I hope you fine folks can help. Thanks in advance!

08-11-2012, 02:17 AM
Hello! I'm New here too and slowly going mad! Lol, you have pure anxiety, that's all it is, the headaches are from stress I get them too! They start either at the front of back of your head and end up all the way round! The only way t get rid of the is to sleep lol you want to go to the doctor just to be reassured (like me I crave constant reassurance its quite embarrassing) I think (I'm not sure) that anxiety keeps going and going until it can find something your scared of, with me it tried the whole brain tumour thing, then the 'something wrong with your blood' gave me a 'serious mental illness' all of this I KNOW is anxiety playing games with me, still doesn't help does it? Lol all I can say is ignore it! You don't have a brain tumour its just basically your brain telling you that you need a break! Focus on something else other than the anxiety..

08-11-2012, 04:27 AM
Wow, that's rough. I've had my fair share of that type of thing. I hope that you can get it sorted out soon!

08-11-2012, 08:35 AM
You think yer crazy?????? Look at my "crazy" stats!!! Then you'll feel sympathy for me!!! Holy s**t, where's the tylenol...

08-11-2012, 08:38 AM
Hey Master Hamster///????-------



08-11-2012, 09:43 AM
Thanks for all the responses, everyone! I know that it's all in my head, and if/when I do go to the doctor, it will end just like when I went for my heart, I just can't shake this feeling. I've told my family and girlfriend, and they all tell me that nothings wrong, and to move on, which really does not help. I just feel like they're ignoring me, and I jump to all sorts of conclusions, like there really is something wrong, and it'll be too late when I find out, because no one believes me.

I hope to stick around here for a while, and will hopefully be able to let you all know when I find a solution. After that, I hope to help others in this situation, because anxiety gets passed over as nothing so much, but I have never felt worse in my life. I can really see how this could ruin someones life.

08-11-2012, 09:49 AM
Hey Hamsterterd,

We are your support systems, we live in the same world as you do..and we will show you how to find the solution to this disorder too. We may even draw you a map to find the buried treasure!! You'll definatley receive a complimentary instruction manual with your membership...

Now,..relax for abit please and enjoy this day.


08-11-2012, 10:27 AM
You're not crazy and non of your physical symptoms are strange, in fact nothing is off limits or weird when it comes to anxiety. I get all of the symptoms you've listed and a whoooooole lot more. & If you wanna talk about it feel free to message me too :)