View Full Version : The scary moment when there's no panic?

08-11-2012, 01:25 AM
Well, after a pretty bad day yesterday, in which I nearly took myself to hospital (again lol) I woke up this morning with nothing? No racing heart, no sense of doom, no strange thoughts..
Just a sense of calm, its strange because I had an odd dream last night I don't remember what happened (I usually do) I just remember thinking 'oh I forgot about that, I feel better now' like my brain had picked something up that was bothering me and threw it out?
I'm hoping this feeling lasts all day, I doubt it but I'm hopeful..

08-11-2012, 01:31 AM
that's great! hope you have a good day. like the 12 steppers say, "one day at a time".

08-11-2012, 02:07 AM
Mornings (in particular the first 30/40 minutes) are always a time where anxiety has no place for me. It is forgiving, it is weak, it is a mere memory (albeit short term).

Some days - this bliss, this state of calm with a seeminly rock-solid defense against anxiety just happens. What is the formula, I wonder? what are the levels of chemicals within me that offer this long lost serenity?


I can say, hand on heart, that multivitamins (including the much talked about magnesum) make little difference except that of a slight health-guilt ease.
(If anxiety is comprised of guilt then OK... I'll continue taking them)

It seems that some days I just can't help but worry, and this worry brings with it stormy clouds which cast a dark shadow on my day...

<second sigh while looking out the window, watching a pigeon crap big-time on my neighbours car bonet. Jeez... that's gonna take some scrubbing>

08-11-2012, 02:41 AM
My mornings are always the worst and my nights are always the best, through the day I range from 'feeling fine' to 'help I'm going mad' in a month I've had about 4 good days? I'm hoping today is one of those days :) I think when u think about anxiety, what it does, how it works, why it does what it does, it makes it so much worse! I want a day that's not revolving around anxiety, if I can have one good day in a load of bad days it makes it just that little bit easier to deal with..

08-11-2012, 03:36 AM
Hey I am new to this,never been one for chat rooms,but came across this one when I realised that I was suffering with bad anxiety,I've always tried to hide it because I felt no one would understand why I was feeling the way I have been,I've always hung on to the bad days I've had&thought that's how my life will always be,then I realised that's a silly way of thinking&im not suffering alone&there is light at the end of the tunnel.trying to stay positive is hard when u wake up&wonder why u feel normal,but to focus on feeling good &trying to live for that moment actually helps keep that dark cloud away.mind over matter:-)

08-11-2012, 04:34 AM
I'm actually fighting the urge to panic lol because I expect it everyday Its like my body realyy needs 2 do it! -_- pffft stupid brain lol everytime the feeling starts creeping I'm just saying to myself 'what a stupid thought' and trying t laugh it off.. If this works I may have the cure but I doubt it lol praying for today to be a good day then I can make tomorrow one 2! :)

08-11-2012, 06:41 AM
My mornings are by far the worst part of any day. It seems I wake up thinking about whatever has been giving me anxiety and it trails off as the day goes on. Usually by the time I'm ready for bed I'm pretty calm.

08-11-2012, 06:49 AM
Le me just add that I was talking about the first half hour of awakening. This is bliss.

By the time 10am strikes [when us homo (sapians) are at our most active (aparently)] - I'm usually pretty darn on edge.

So, first thing is great... but the latter part of the morning is usually edgy.

How the evening goes depends on what I'm doing in that evening!

08-11-2012, 07:27 AM
LOL we all seem to get anxiety at different times of the day! mines always worse in morning and gets better through day same as Kman, i do get bad parts of the day and good parts, i usually panic when ive not eaten, i love night times because thats when im at my best but always have a dreading feeling when im about to go to sleep because i know my anxietys gunna be playing up in morning! lol

08-11-2012, 07:49 AM


08-11-2012, 09:54 AM
I have periods of the day when anxiety fades out, when the headaches finally ease up, and I want to feel awesome. The weird thing is, I feel ok for maybe five minutes, and then I start feeling nervous about feeling good. It's this awesome cycle that never lets me feel good. Haha.

It's good to hear that you feel better, and I hope it last!

08-11-2012, 10:35 AM
Well it didn't last. Lol lasted till about 3, went to a pet shop wi ma daddy and BANG lovely 'unreal' feeling came for me.. It fading now so I know I'll have good night n a good sleep.. Just waiting for tomorrow :(

08-11-2012, 11:55 AM
Well it didn't last. Lol lasted till about 3, went to a pet shop wi ma daddy and BANG lovely 'unreal' feeling came for me.. It fading now so I know I'll have good night n a good sleep.. Just waiting for tomorrow :(

Hey there camilla91,did u manage to stay in the shop when it happened or did u feel the need to just get out&fast?if u did manage to stay then well done you&if not don't see it as a failure becoZ in time u will stay,my therapist told me to have something to jingles in my hand,keys or anything u could pull out of your bag,because no one can see how u r feeling even though it can feel like that at the time,but it will help u to take your mind of how u feel&it gets a bit easier each time:-)

08-11-2012, 12:24 PM
I stayed firmly in the shop LOL I wasn't going to show myself up by running out for anybody, especially something in my own head, I really did want to run though, could feel myself getting more and more panicky but I fought it, the feeling didn't go away until about half hour later but I stuck to my guns and did what I had too, if I could I'd just curl up in bed for the rest of my life! Lol that's what I feel like doing sometimes but I know I can't so have to fight this, I don't think it was the shop that actually made me nervous I think is was the fact my son had fell asleep in the car and needed to be woken up (or I would have no sleep tonight) I kept reminding myself to wake him up and ended up panicking about something not even related! I fought it though. That's all that matters.. I hope! Lol xx

08-11-2012, 12:33 PM
Well I do run out of shops,lol but I used to think everyone could see my panic,of course now I know it's in my head,I have four kids,11,8 then 2& one that's just six months.i live for my kids&guess that's what keeps me going,but anxiety is a scary thing but what's funny about it is we all make each day&thats positive for all of us that r going thru it.:-)

08-11-2012, 01:08 PM
I think my sons the only reason I get up in the mornings too, and if I'm honest I probably would have run out that shop if my dad wasn't there LOL he's absoultely convinced I'm gunna end up in a mental hospital so one of my missions in life is to prove him wrong! Lol its strange you said the 'no one can see your panic thing' because that's the first thing I noticed when the panic set in, that nobody could see it and it made me feel a little bit alone lol I think if more people could see it then maybe more people would try help.. Or maybe they'd just give us the 'ur crazy' look? Lol but yeah, I get ur point about the kids because there's a few times when I want to give up but could never leave my son, so he's a blessing really.. I also feel quite sorry for u having a 6 month old! How tiring they are at that age! No wonder you've got anxiety lol I hope its sleeping through the night for u (the sleepless nights are the worst part but u obviously already know that lol)

08-11-2012, 04:39 PM
Mine come and go, and it's so sporadic that I just don't know "when" it's going to hit ...

Most of the time though I've noticed it hits when I am alone , if I am with friends, or even my boyfriend, it seems to be ok ... It's like I don't like my own company ....

08-11-2012, 08:17 PM
My anxiety is strongest in the morning as well... I think it's b/c thats when I'm alone? I'm completely panic free when I'm w my husband, family or close friends... But leave me alone in my house, shopping, school event for my son, etc and I definitely will have anxiety! It's crazy b/c I've always been super independent and have lived on my own from 18-30... Anyway, it is what it is and I'm working on it... Glad I have this forum to chat w ppl who "get it".