View Full Version : More tough decisions, little time to decide.My mental & physical health depends on it

08-11-2012, 12:42 AM
Each day brings a new set of challenges to us all. Some we can just take care of in an instant, some we must weigh the total sum of its entirity in full before we can act, choose, make a decision that will impact an entire future life. Today was a good day overall, with many suddenalities or issues that just seem to pop up outta nowhere. Some are good, some are tolerable, some make no sense, some are bad..maybe its suppose to be that way as sometimes I just dont know. Thats when you begin to process all the different questions, actions, events, words that you've heard from others..and that time is now. Its finally quiet again, after a flurry of added activity and intensity..it calms down. Thinking time. Yes, its very late here or early in the am, half full or half empty. Not sure that it matters either way. It has definately been a week to remember and retain in memory...

Finally done with (prednisone) cycle of 16 days to hault the internal assault on my body, by my body. Thats under control now too, however it did take 75 days of my routine life away from me kinda like an Army Boot Camp that I dont recall signing up for. No, there is no metal, badge, or bar at the end. Just an ok, what now kinda feeling. I did get a car for my youngest daughter in prep for Dec. A homeless fella from NYC somehow landed on my doorstep for help, he got it. My oldest daughter somehow landed here to tell me she was going to college. My son showed up unannounced today. Planning an 8am (re-attempt to hold ourselves together) registration for Cc's college enrollment today. (hope that goes ok for us both!)..Then, gettin the heck outta here to visit my mother for the day with the kids. To bad its only going to be 80, still pool weather though..got to visit for abit with Dr. Ramer next door, and another neighbor next door named Mike. Steve, the neighbor on the other side is to be here tomorrow too. We finally got some rain, all at once over 3"..weird. Trying to list all positives I can recall before I go to the next paragraph..its the tough part.

Now the realization that I would much rather not think about but it has to be done, I have no other choice here. My "overall" health depends on this topic, options, decision. As some of you may recall, I let go of "The World of Chronic Stresses' in May. It is really different then what I once knew. Now, letting go of that world also means that you may be forced to let go of certain individuals also. Depending upon their influence and stabilty of your mind, and also contols your body too. All "chronic stress inputs' have been eliminated. I had to remove the ones that I had no power or ability to change them any further. I have (1) sticking point. A person thats been a part of my life for over 12 years. The reason behind these thoughts is the fact that even if I provide this person with a "please refrain from this kind of stress input" manual, it either isnt read, understood, or followed to help keep this 'ole man' running efficiently or affectively at 100%. Although control, asking for cooperation, or to abide by the new, must have rules
in life to prevent a major body collapse is sent 3 or 4 different times, and asked for verbally many times..this persons opinion of my simple request is that I am trying to control, I demand cooperation, and thus person has a real problem with having to be aksed to 'abide by a rule'...as asked and enforced by me. Well, let me just say that if this person just had to go through the same 75 days that I did and I was asked to refrain from doing or saying certain things in order to help them remain in good health?...Then it would NOT be such a huge issue for me to learn, change, and adapt to fit this persons request at all..I wouldnt even think aboutfor more then 1 second, and I would do as they asked to preserve this relationship. it seems that I am yet again at a crossroads in life and i must choose the right direction to travel as my "real life' depends on it to be correct, or I will not succeed. I will quickly fail all over again..I' not going to do that. Obviously this person isnt willing to do anything about it either..so be it. People do not change, for other people..unless they see what could be change towards a positive drection and not only for the other individual but also for themselves. it isnt going to change..the person "sees" nothing wrong so why change then?

I will make this decision very, very soon. Alot of things ride on this choice..I will make the right choice too....

Have a great weekend all!


08-11-2012, 01:16 AM
Hiya, I think I understand your post or maybe I don't? Its early so I'm a bit confused lol I think your saying someone important in your life is causing you stress and your wondering whether to cut them off or not because there not willing to help?
I have this exact same problem (if that is the problem lol) when I first got poorly and the doctors told me it was the stress, the stress of my mum 'cracking up' again, and being the one who had to hold the family together (my dad mainly) I couldn't cope. I couldn't answer my fone because I was so convinced that when I answered it someone else would just put a problem on me and I'd panic all over again. I went for 4 days without answering the fone, one day my mum rang I though 'yeah I'll answer this time' bad idea. She gave me a load of abuse over nothing.
She not the worse one. Its my dad, I love him to bits, would do anything for him but at the moment I need a break from his problems, I'm constantly fixing them, reassuring him, being there so he can let off steam, calling people for him.. And I just can't do it anymore! I told him the stress was getting to me, I don't want to hear about my mum, I don't need anyone elses problems, and he needs to sort himself out (didn't put it so bluntly lol) anyway he left me alo for 3 days and phonecall came. Again. 'Camilla your mums done this, she's done that, you won't believe this, how can I fix this?'
I thought well thanks for ur help. I'm here when u need me, same with my sister, my best friend and partner, where r they when I need them?
I've just realised I have no answer to your post and have basically just had a little rant lol I'm probably just saying I know where ur coming from lol.. I've come with a cuddle if u wanna put it that way lol..

08-11-2012, 01:30 AM
I think it's his partner he refers to... yay/nay???

Perhaps a "break" (time apart) would be worth a shot first?

Having said that, in general, if there are people in your life that consistently drag you down for whatever reason, then at some point their place in your life needs a serious review...

08-11-2012, 03:48 AM
Hmm I understand where you are coming from . If Dazza is right & this person is your partner , this is a tough call to make , need to take your time & think long & hard ! Also talk it over .

I do understand I have a similar situation , hope you can come up with the right decisions for you

Jessy :-)

08-11-2012, 04:58 AM
^^^ what I was trying to say..

08-11-2012, 07:34 AM
ding ding ding ding! RIGHT ANSWERS!! Whatta they win today JOHNYY!!! A NEW CAR!!!! :)