View Full Version : Blood Sugar Levels

08-11-2012, 12:35 AM
Does anyone else feel like straight crap when their blood sugar level drops? I am not actually checking it with a meter but I can tell when I haven't eaten for a while and my sugar drops I feel horrible and it really kicks up feelings of anxiety and so forth.

08-11-2012, 01:15 AM

Why do you assume this is sugar related?

We all feel a bit crappy if we haven't eaten for some time... but that's not necessarily because of a low sugar level.

It's been found by (proudly: CAMBRIDGE university) that when the body starts to feel hungry, levels of the brain chemical serotonin, dip, causing a whirlwind of uncontrollable emotions including anxiety, stress and anger.

These fluctuating serotonin levels affect the brain regions that enable people to regulate anger, making us prone to aggression when hungry.