View Full Version : Anxiety & Visual Disturbances

08-10-2012, 05:26 PM
hello friends! does anyone else experience visual disturbances with their anxiety? for me, i get a kind of visual snow, sensitivity to light, floaters, and an inability to focus on objects clearly. it's really rather annoying! i have very decent eye sight otherwise. hell, i probably have a brain tumor...JK!!! :D

08-10-2012, 05:47 PM

Yes, all of the above mentioned. I have to hold informational material 3' from my eyes to read any of it. Yes, black spots are cool in a white room!!!.. also the floaters of such varying colors are vibrant as I try to keep that "lightshow" going as long as I can...AWESOME!

1. Is there a huge baseball size growth on the side of your head?...LOL!

(reason for that question was: A commercial I recall seeing a few years back where a fella was sittin at his dining room table, with his vacationing Dr on the phone. The Dr. was explaining where to make "an incision" as the guy had a scalpel in his hand with this "odd look" in his eyes..Hilarious!!)


08-10-2012, 07:09 PM
The only visual disturbance I've had recently was that of a hugely overweight lass wearing a way-too-small T-shirt, exposing her wibbly-wobbly, squidgy midriff to innocent passers by.

This was not a good look by all accounts... and would have given the ghostbusters marshmellow man a good run for his money any day.

That atrocity aside, your one issue that slightly concerns me is the sensitivity to light. It is probably nothing but I assume you've seen a doctor about these symptoms?

Floaters and spots typically appear when tiny pieces of the eye's gel-like vitreous break loose within the eye (which then literally float about). This mostly occurs in older people (as the eyes dry up over the years) but can happen at any age.

08-10-2012, 08:42 PM
.."mostly occurs in OLDER people"...I'm going to go stand in the corner now.


08-11-2012, 10:10 AM
Oh god, I know exactly what you mean! This is probably the most troubling thing for me! I have a really hard time focusing, it looks like my vision is on a channel that does not get reception! The worst part was when I noticed the eye floaters that are always there, just bobbing around in my vision. It's so hard to convince myself this could possibly caused by anxiety, but I know that it is, and it makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one! I hope you feel that some way!

08-11-2012, 07:58 PM
Oh god, I know exactly what you mean! This is probably the most troubling thing for me! I have a really hard time focusing, it looks like my vision is on a channel that does not get reception! The worst part was when I noticed the eye floaters that are always there, just bobbing around in my vision. It's so hard to convince myself this could possibly caused by anxiety, but I know that it is, and it makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one! I hope you feel that some way!

thanks for the post hamster! yes, it is troubling and irritating! i also thought that it had to be "something else" for a long time. you just don't think anxiety will creep into your eyes but if you think about it, our eyes are one of our most sensitive organs. my anxiety symptoms have spanned the gamut. but i'm happy to say that it's really improved since i have come to understand it. it's just the eye thing that seems to linger. occasional bouts of derealization too... anyway, thanks for sharing!

06-17-2016, 03:04 PM
Are the vision issues constant? Well for the most part. I'm having a hard time focusing and issues with lights. When I watch TV, it is like nothing is clear and people's faces are shadowed. I have been worried about my eyes for several months so it feels like it never truly goes away. When I'm having a good day it seem less.

06-17-2016, 07:40 PM
LOL -- going through this now! Pretty much exactly as you described. Bright light is really a problem. Seems to come and go with the anxiety. There are also times when my eyelids actually feel heavy.

06-18-2016, 04:30 AM
The above scenario the person is under dual health issues. Stress and Eye problem. Diet can play a vital role in overcoming both the issues.
Stress has a direct impact on your health. So, first of all keep yourself distant from junk and processed food and fill your kitchen with the food that we will talk about. Anti anxiety foods can elevate standard of living.
Foods that Relieve Stress and Depression and at the same time can help you with Visual Disturbance.
1) Raw food
2) Green leafy Vegetables
3) Banana
5) Watermelon
6) Dark Chocolate
8) Spinach