View Full Version : Back to the start, again.

08-10-2012, 02:22 PM
So, I'm a long term sufferer of Anxiety and Panic Disorder with family history and a few other factors. Thought I'd almost beaten it after a LONG period of (almost) symptom free living, until a couple of weeks ago, when we're right back to heart rate watching and feeling certain that "that" ache is something serious and we should get to the emergency room right now before...

Back again we go.

Combine a (LONG) family history of panic disorder and "nervous breakdowns", spanning several generations. Add a year stint working on emergency call lines for the ambulance service. Hearing incredibly painful deaths in ways I'd never thought possible. Before then, chest pain just meant I probably needed another smoke. Now every slight chest ache is DEATH. Slight ache in face? DEATH. I once spoke to a guy who had a sudden allergic reaction to bacon (after a lifetime of eating it, some rare condition). Bacon is now DEATH (and that is sad). As is every food I haven't tried, and ones I have, because you know, I may also have that condition.

So a couple of years ago I went inpatient to the local mental health clinic. We played around with combinations of drugs and found Effexor and Clonazepam was a pretty good fix, as well as a six month CBT treatment. Eventually phased off the Clon, and reduced effexor to a minimal dose, and went about my days. Got back to work and got a well-paid enjoyable job.

Then things started piling up.

House move, change of circumstances, family issues, money issues, bailiffs came to the door and we're now back to the start. And all I can think is I don't want ANOTHER long inpatient stay to "fix" me

Anyone had such a relapse? Any advice whatsoever? Already been to the doctor, and they're now referring me to a specialist as expected. I'm Abstaining from caffeine, alcohol, nicotine (quit months ago) and all the usual, however it's just a constant sense of illness, and consecutive panic attacks, almost daily now. Spent all day in bed once again, been here since last week now. Missed a holiday last week due to it, so it's getting tough now. Seems i get zero "relief" from it.

08-10-2012, 04:36 PM

Wow, you react very quickly to changing situations and wish to deal with things before they deal with you. ADMIRABLE TRAIT!!

I will return shortly as some things have suddenly been thrust upon me, as usual.. Deal with the ASAP, then back to business. I look forward to learning and reading about you soon. Fixable? Yes, because you're steps ahead of "it" already..AWESOME!!!

Enduronman. :)

08-10-2012, 05:45 PM
You seem to have anticipatory anxiety....pretty much, saying "what if this happens, or what if I do this and then ________ happens"? That was my issue....it has gotten a lot better since I started my meds and CBT. I still get those thoughts every now and again, but I just use a few of the tips recommended in CBT....I don't know if you have tried CBT, but it does help quite a bit.