View Full Version : Anxiety-related migraines

08-10-2012, 08:29 AM
I have been dealing with migraine headaches for the past three months 24/7 constantly. Doctors offer medicine but I am so so scared of the side effects. I even went to the ER once and I couldn't bear the IV fluids in my arm so i left. I just have been dealing with it but believe me it's excruciating and constant. I pray and cry out to God everyday. I don't want to live like this. Any suggestions? Anything work for you?

08-10-2012, 10:53 AM
Dear God,

Why put this lady through this pain for 3 months?...Hello?.... We're going to have to figure this one out on our own I think as he is a very busy man!
1. What medication did the Dr's offer you? Name and mgs please?....
2. What did Dr's at ER do, if anything, and what was the outcome of that event please? Charts? Vitals?...Taken during that visit....

I have suggestions, but must know more then just "my head hurts"...Where? Localized? Everywhere?....


08-10-2012, 01:23 PM
Surely this forum is not the place for answers in this case?

A constant headache warrants every professional test under the sun to find the issue I'd say.

Could it be just glasses or lack of? or lack of fluids? or lack of sleep?

Only time I get headaches is with a hangover (mostly dehydration) or a bad nights sleep. Anadin extras sort me out every time.

08-10-2012, 05:05 PM
Dear God,

Why put this lady through this pain for 3 months?...Hello?.... We're going to have to figure this one out on our own I think as he is a very busy man!
1. What medication did the Dr's offer you? Name and mgs please?....
2. What did Dr's at ER do, if anything, and what was the outcome of that event please? Charts? Vitals?...Taken during that visit....

I have suggestions, but must know more then just "my head hurts"...Where? Localized? Everywhere?....



Thanks for answering me. I'm not blaming God. But, I am sick of being in pain.

1. I was offered Floricet 10 mg, maxalt 10mg and celexa 10 mg. I hate medicine. I got vitamins Migarelief. It has feverfew, riboflavin and magnesium.

2. At the ER it was a cocktail of drugs through IV, Benadryl and some other stuff I can't recall. Bloodwork was good. Urine tests were good. Cat scan was clear. I was so scared of the iv, the only thing they got in me was Benadryl.

3. It is right-sided mainly but I do feel it in other parts. Sometimes I feel numbness and tingling too. It is mostly right sided. How can you help me?

08-10-2012, 05:35 PM
Well,..from what I have heard others speak of about "migraine" headaches over these past 4 decades, I can say that (memory recall moment, files may be deep).. That (most) people that have these types of headaches (generally, most often, more frequently) would disclose the location of an actual "migraine" headache as being in the center, middle, localized to the frontal area of the head so yours...uhhhh...hmmm... I'm thinking more of a "neuropathic" cause, type, symptom, because of the area you have mentioned. The "trigeminal nerves" are on each side of your head/skull. There are 3. Upper, mid, lower,.. They run through your spinal cord, wait TMI..and IDK where this is coming from either so just read..

1. Does it hurt when you touch the surface of the skin?..Just brush your fingers across the side of your head lightly and provide the result. No or yes?..
2. Does it feel like someone put a clothing iron on the side of your head, lika a burn?
3. Do you recall ever asking anyone to "visually look" at the side of your head to see if, they could visually observe something there?....


08-10-2012, 05:39 PM
Hey DazzMan..We must try my brother.. Just to say we made an effort to help another in need...:)


08-10-2012, 07:58 PM
Well,..from what I have heard others speak of about "migraine" headaches over these past 4 decades, I can say that (memory recall moment, files may be deep).. That (most) people that have these types of headaches (generally, most often, more frequently) would disclose the location of an actual "migraine" headache as being in the center, middle, localized to the frontal area of the head so yours...uhhhh...hmmm... I'm thinking more of a "neuropathic" cause, type, symptom, because of the area you have mentioned. The "trigeminal nerves" are on each side of your head/skull. There are 3. Upper, mid, lower,.. They run through your spinal cord, wait TMI..and IDK where this is coming from either so just read..

1. Does it hurt when you touch the surface of the skin?..Just brush your fingers across the side of your head lightly and provide the result. No or yes?..
2. Does it feel like someone put a clothing iron on the side of your head, lika a burn?
3. Do you recall ever asking anyone to "visually look" at the side of your head to see if, they could visually observe something there?....


1. It hurts a little when touched lightly. Occasionally I feel head pain on the left side too.
2. It does feel like a burn. I feel tight pressure like a knot.
3. No one sees anything when looking at it. Nothing visible.

Also I get a tight band around my right leg and right ear pressure. Sometimes the back of my head hurts and tongue tingles. What does neuropathic mean?

08-10-2012, 09:27 PM
Neuropathy: Means nerve damage, nerve restriction, pinched nerve, inflammed nerve, or essentially anything to do with nerves...

I just had a member send me a PM awile ago and ask me if I was a Physician, Doctor, Psychologist, Physchiatrist or Specialist?. I replied to them and said "No, I am nothing except a person that seems to know alot of crap about the human mind and body..and I have no specific answer as to why? Other then I have taken care of myself in any way, shape, or form both physically and mentally for a very long time..I'm also hyper-sensitive, hyper-active, and hyper-analytical as well. I guess I just wanted to learn stuff like this covering many different areas for some reason that I can not explain...I'm just tryin to help everyone that I can to "problem solve" on their own rather then be shuffled around from here to there,..and still obtain no real solid answers or explanations that they can truly understand. I honestly just like to help people as I spent the first half of my life doing just the opposite. This is far more rewarding to me then iron bars, truly crazy dudes, and green bologna sandwiches every day...

Back to you ILovEgod, I asked those questions because it quite simply narrows down the possible "suspects" of this everlasting relentless pain. I know Mr. Pain very well too..

If it hurts when "lightly touched", and also goes to the left side (occasionally), you confirmed it does feel like a "burn", and also you felt compelled to have someone look at the area visually because in your mind you believe someone should be able to see it to confirm it..

The term for this is called "trigeminal neuralgia".. Now I recall how I know this so well. I ALSO had this too!!! (NOT SURE WHAT I HAVEN'T HAD?)...
The "trigeminal nerves" on one or both sides of your head are receiving mis-interpreted, mis-construed, mis-understood signals from any number of different places as this is hard to pin point the "exact" cause.
In your case though, I am willing to bet that the actual cause of yours to be the exact same cause of my own...Stress, anxiety, lifes pressure load (extreme)..

It is treated by a specific medication called (carbamazepine, epitol, tegretol) but this medication is also used in psych wards too. My Dr. didnt tell me that part until 5days later my "mind was living in another world" more weirder then the one it already lives in!..I made an emergency app to see him and ask him why in the hell am I searching my house for the kids in the photos on my fridge???...Which was my 3 children when they were 3,5,and10 years old..The only problem was that they were 8, 10, and 15 at that time!!!!... Needless to say, he said STOP taking them immediately. I then told him that the ONLY thing that even slightly relieves this intensely painful condition that felt like an iron burn was a benzo called xanax. It was my ONLY saviour...Which told me that it was triggered by anxiety aggravating the sensory nerve impulses..it was like an electrical short in my system for 30 solid days..

Go tell your Dr. what you truly believe this to be. He will do the same things in his office that you just did at home, only difference is he can prescribe what it takes to stop this pain...Also, this condition is rare so he may not even know what to call it or what its causee is..I'm being serious. My own Dr who has been in practice since the 60's has only seen this 2 times in his career to give you more info to use. At the time I had it, there were only 150,000 cases of it in the entire US...We're rare people I guess..

Let me know what he/she says whether confirms, disagrees, or has no idea???

Best wishes to you, this is painful and a pain I know..

(all the other things you mentioned are more then likely linked to the same neuropathic disorder too)..

Goodluck friend.


08-11-2012, 03:19 AM
Neuropathy: Means nerve damage, nerve restriction, pinched nerve, inflammed nerve, or essentially anything to do with nerves...

I just had a member send me a PM awile ago and ask me if I was a Physician, Doctor, Psychologist, Physchiatrist or Specialist?. I replied to them and said "No, I am nothing except a person that seems to know alot of crap about the human mind and body..and I have no specific answer as to why? Other then I have taken care of myself in any way, shape, or form both physically and mentally for a very long time..I'm also hyper-sensitive, hyper-active, and hyper-analytical as well. I guess I just wanted to learn stuff like this covering many different areas for some reason that I can not explain...I'm just tryin to help everyone that I can to "problem solve" on their own rather then be shuffled around from here to there,..and still obtain no real solid answers or explanations that they can truly understand. I honestly just like to help people as I spent the first half of my life doing just the opposite. This is far more rewarding to me then iron bars, truly crazy dudes, and green bologna sandwiches every day...

Back to you ILovEgod, I asked those questions because it quite simply narrows down the possible "suspects" of this everlasting relentless pain. I know Mr. Pain very well too..

If it hurts when "lightly touched", and also goes to the left side (occasionally), you confirmed it does feel like a "burn", and also you felt compelled to have someone look at the area visually because in your mind you believe someone should be able to see it to confirm it..

The term for this is called "trigeminal neuralgia".. Now I recall how I know this so well. I ALSO had this too!!! (NOT SURE WHAT I HAVEN'T HAD?)...
The "trigeminal nerves" on one or both sides of your head are receiving mis-interpreted, mis-construed, mis-understood signals from any number of different places as this is hard to pin point the "exact" cause.
In your case though, I am willing to bet that the actual cause of yours to be the exact same cause of my own...Stress, anxiety, lifes pressure load (extreme)..

It is treated by a specific medication called (carbamazepine, epitol, tegretol) but this medication is also used in psych wards too. My Dr. didnt tell me that part until 5days later my "mind was living in another world" more weirder then the one it already lives in!..I made an emergency app to see him and ask him why in the hell am I searching my house for the kids in the photos on my fridge???...Which was my 3 children when they were 3,5,and10 years old..The only problem was that they were 8, 10, and 15 at that time!!!!... Needless to say, he said STOP taking them immediately. I then told him that the ONLY thing that even slightly relieves this intensely painful condition that felt like an iron burn was a benzo called xanax. It was my ONLY saviour...Which told me that it was triggered by anxiety aggravating the sensory nerve impulses..it was like an electrical short in my system for 30 solid days..

Go tell your Dr. what you truly believe this to be. He will do the same things in his office that you just did at home, only difference is he can prescribe what it takes to stop this pain...Also, this condition is rare so he may not even know what to call it or what its causee is..I'm being serious. My own Dr who has been in practice since the 60's has only seen this 2 times in his career to give you more info to use. At the time I had it, there were only 150,000 cases of it in the entire US...We're rare people I guess..

Let me know what he/she says whether confirms, disagrees, or has no idea???

Best wishes to you, this is painful and a pain I know..

(all the other things you mentioned are more then likely linked to the same neuropathic disorder too)..

Goodluck friend.


Wow, thanks for the advice. It's helpful. I thought I had some sort of brain infection or something weird. So, are you basically saying that I have such a high level of anxiety? Is there any alternative to taking medicine? Ice or vitamins? I was offered Xanax before but so scared to try it. That's crazy how the other medication made you think your kids were younger. Sorry you deal with the same pain but I'm happy someone relates to me. I will ask my doctor about what you said. Thank you!