View Full Version : Heart racing and its not love

08-09-2012, 07:15 PM
For some odd reason my anxiety has crept back up on me.... Maybe it's the new job, and moving and a new city with all the changes that come with it?

For the last week I feel like I cant take a deep breath.

For the second time in the last week I felt a few skipped heartbeats (PVCs maybe?)

Then I felt my heart rate increase into the high 80s

I've also noticed my BP is higher than normal; 140/84.

Since my first panic attack 2 years ago, I have felt I was dying of something heart related. As I get older the fear increases when I experience these episodes like I have this week.

Anyone experience the same? Any advice?
How do I respond when I have skipped beats?
Fast heartbeat?
Fear of a heart attack?


08-09-2012, 07:36 PM
First off, thank you for the kind words of hope bro..
1. Yes, all of the above mentioned has caused the sudden attention to be directed at your heart, its the only organ you can feel operating so it gets noticed first..
2. As you've stated, moving to a new city also..Is this a change in elevation?..If so, how much?
3. Was BP never in those ranges prior to your move?
4. How old are you friend?
5. Also, did this new job increase your job related responsibilities and duties?...

If you can provide answers to those questions then I bet we can figure this out together, pretty quickly.


08-09-2012, 07:46 PM
No change in elevation, but certainly a stressful and challenging job.

My BP has been high on occasions.

I'm 42.

08-09-2012, 07:52 PM
Ah, there's one down..A new, more stressful and challenging job. That alone can immediately cause these symptoms to suddenly appear. Has your Dr. ever taken note that yer BP may be a tad bit high?.. Are you a soda, coffee, or tea drinker? If so, how much daily?...

Any other possible "stimulant" intake??...Tobacco user?...

08-09-2012, 08:03 PM
No stimulants. I don't drink anything with caffein very often, since that first panic attack. I think I overdosed on caffeine which created the panic

Yes, my doc watches it, but with exercise and less stress it comes down; I went to the Dentist few months ago and it was 116/70. That's at the dentist ;)

08-09-2012, 08:09 PM
We're almost there man!
1. List all medications you currently take and dosage please?
2. List any "herbals" you currently take and dosage please?

If your BP was 116/70 at the most TERRIFYING office on the planet then your heart isn't the problem friend..There's another issue out of the picture...

08-09-2012, 09:02 PM
I take Lipitor...nothing else

08-09-2012, 10:28 PM
Ok James,

I must share what I know based upon facts, and not opinions or speculations, about that 1 medication you are presently taking. Now, the following words do not pertain to every single person in this world ingesting a medication designed to "alter" a persons levels of "cholesterol" in their bodys but I have an obligation to make you aware if you have never done any research about this medication other then fill the scrip, and take as prescribed. This is up to you as to how you wish to interpret these words...

(sigh) That EXACT brand name medication, all by itself, over a period of 4 years in one case, and 6 years later in another case...caused a series of degenerative muscle disease and disorders that took each patient nearly another full year of poking, prodding, sticking, testing, proceedures here, there and everywhere to finally draw a conclusion. The findings revealed both had diseases in direct correlation with the use of that statin drug. The clinical names of these disease they are now both living with, and both are also in re-hab as well are termed "myalgia, myopathy, myositis" Their multiple Dr's could not agree upon a single, specific disease so they all grouped them together friend.. One is my Uncle Dan, the other is my dearest neighbor 20' east named Steve. Dan is 57, Steve is 60.. They both suffered greatly and Dans recovery is taking much longer just to get him walking again. I'm not asking, ordering, or suggesting that you throw it into the ocean. I just felt compelled to share this with you to make you aware of a possibility that took years to manifest.. Take this information however you choose to friend in Europe.

Now, what I would offer as suggestion to do with the "heightened anxiety" issue would be to start out your trial attempts first with some naturals, some OTC's, or if you wish to head straight to see the Dr. then I would like to know what your own idea or frontline attack would be????


08-10-2012, 01:14 AM

Although E-Mans post may have had you soiling your pants - they suggest that the SERIOUS side effects only happen to a small number of people (but have happened all the same)

It seems this drug can screw with your liver & muscles and is not well received by your body if you are taking other medications (which you say you aren't) and indeed vitamins or herbal supplements.

Alcohol doesn't seem to mix well with it either.

Best to keep yourself regularly monitored if you are to stay on this drug!

08-10-2012, 06:09 AM

Now you know me better then that friend..I worded that to "prevent pant soilage and stainage" in fact it was very soft and fluffy.....I just felt an obligation to let our friend know, what I know, to keep him aware and prepared for an event that "has the potential" for happening, but as I said "not to everyone who just looks at it"...


Enduronman. :)

08-10-2012, 06:40 AM
PS: just tried to do a search on the number of claims filed against Lipitor and there are SO many that you can not get an actual number of suits..They're everywhere!! One interesting quote I did however find is that a large number of Dr's also have stated as a group that "cholesterol isn't even a real health issue" in todays world but that the creators of "statins" implanted the theories that it was...for extra added $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'s! Of course...


08-11-2012, 01:21 AM
Interesting (yesterdays) article on statins...



08-11-2012, 05:29 PM
HAAHAAAHAA!!! I suppose if it doesnt destroy your muscle tissue first..maybe if you begin administering the medication at like...76 years of age then it'll buy ya a couple extra. I know, I am VERY opinionated on this particular subject because I personally knew 2 inflicted people and in fact my neighbor Dr. Chuck stopped over last night to share a half gallon of gin with me and we got to talkin about "statins". He said a member of his own family had the SAME condition also after 6 years on the SAME medication..

(calm down..breathe..)..OK, if anyone here does not even know what (cholesterol) even is, does, how, why, where it comes from, where its made within our bodies..then I'm just suggesting to learn abit about it before any Dr tells you that your (cholesterol) is off so TAKE THAT!....Just be wary and cautious friends.. No reason to suffer for the profits of a pharmaceutical company, they dont need anymore $$$$...


08-11-2012, 05:34 PM
Statins and diabetes..repeat, statins and diabetes..repeat...Thats all they studied were potential risks of diabetes. Obviously a short-term clinical study. As I stated early on, the damaging effects of this medication arrived 4 to 6 YEARS later in my aquaintences... grrrrr ruff! ruff!


09-01-2012, 12:48 PM
I can relate. I am also 42. I have been a sufferer for years but recently (back in Oct) my husband was downsized and the anxiety has flared up terribly. I called out EMS three times because of the palps and skipped beats! I have made several DR visits since then I am sure they are tired of seeing me and repeating themselves that my heart is fine and it is only anxiety. However, I constantly fear a heart attack. Well, for me anything new or different can trigger one whether good (stinks!) or bad. As far as advice, I admit I am still struggling myself with how to handle the physical symptoms. If you have gotten the all clear from your DR then learn to accept that it is actually anxiety. Try to reduce stessors as much as possible (tough I know!) Finding this forum and others who understand has really helped. I think feeling alone is actually the worst. Take care. Oh and do not google any symptoms only makes it worse!!

For some odd reason my anxiety has crept back up on me.... Maybe it's the new job, and moving and a new city with all the changes that come with it?

For the last week I feel like I cant take a deep breath.

For the second time in the last week I felt a few skipped heartbeats (PVCs maybe?)

Then I felt my heart rate increase into the high 80s

I've also noticed my BP is higher than normal; 140/84.

Since my first panic attack 2 years ago, I have felt I was dying of something heart related. As I get older the fear increases when I experience these episodes like I have this week.

Anyone experience the same? Any advice?
How do I respond when I have skipped beats?
Fast heartbeat?
Fear of a heart attack?


09-01-2012, 01:33 PM
I have the same type thing. I don't have any good advice. I wish I did. I just stop what I'm doing and sit down. Then I get a glass of cold water. I tell myself to let it go, relax, and finish my water. I am not taking any meds. Although my dr wants me to use Xanax. I don't want to feel stupid so I don't take it.

How r feeling now? R u ok?

09-01-2012, 02:03 PM
The day I joined this forum was the day I had my first proper panic attack, I didnt have anything to panic about but my heart started racing and I thought I was having a heart attack! (I am only 23) could of ended up wasting paramedics time but didn't call for an ambulance. I was convinced I was dying though and had heart palpitations pretty much all day for a few days, I could barely eat. But the less I thought about it, the less aware of it I became and now have it pretty much under control.
Do you find it kinda goes away when you concentrate on something else? If you have no history of heart problems and don't live too unhealthy a lifestyle I think you're gonna be ok.
I'm just a kid so probly shouldn't be giving out advice!

09-01-2012, 04:15 PM
I used to worry about my heart that much I have lost track how many ecg's I have has I was convinced I had a heart murmur and my heart was bad and I ordered my doctor to send me for a ultra sound of my heart . And what do ya know it come back perfect then after that I haven't worried about my heart . Anxiety plays with ya head something had as we ALL know . The more you worry about something the worse it appears . So when ever something wrong u need to take ya mind off it . This sounds strange but try meditation . I try to meditate every night ( sometimes I don't ) mostly I do and yeah I personally believe it helps . First couple of weeks or months u think " this is crap meditation doesn't exist " but stick with it and u will see results . When ya mind tells you anything bad think of something good or go for a jog or listen to music to take ya mind off it .

09-01-2012, 05:34 PM
Hi all I am anxiety sufferer and I have the same symptomsy heart is constantly racing and skipping beats is my job I have always been anxious bit since I started this new job it's worse once I get home I feel so much better I cry alot and feel like I am crazy I sit at work I am a 911 call taker and it is very stressful I Telly husband and he gets mad says all jobs are stressful and tells me to quit . When I am working I feel jumpy jittery I always feel like going to have a stroke or seizure and I'm terrified what can I do?

09-01-2012, 06:59 PM
!. Get your BP checked, and pulse rate too. Thats may be your answer.
2. If you sit there and listen to frantic dramafied issues,..then slow down on the caffeine intake abit and throw some green tea in. If you don't have time for that, then get some L-theanine. L-tyrosine, phosphatidylserine, and GABA...and chillax.


09-01-2012, 08:20 PM
Thanks Eman for the encouragement.

The challenge with HA is that there are physiological symptoms. The struggle is not to translate that pain in your chest immediately to heart attack or the headache to a stroke.

The goal is to just accept it as it comes and not go there.