View Full Version : Short post: Twilight Zone...Welcome to my world. :|

08-09-2012, 10:33 AM
Dear people.

I hadnt seen nor spoken too my oldest daughter since I saw her passed out in a chair, while it was on fire because of her cigg on the arm of it, with her slumped over, with my grandson on the floor sitting and eating cheerios, with the front door wide open, when it was 28 deg outside...on March 9th of this year. Quite an eventful occasion..

I then disassembled her entire life as she knew it, in 10 days. She was an addict of opiates, benzos, methadone, that I learned ALL in 1 single day...hence= I'm going to destroy my own daughters life instantly..to keep her heart beating. I did. I succeeded. S**t I even got a new "statute" put into words for our local city police protocol, when they pull over an impaired driver that passes a breathalizer test..but cant walk or count to 1.... It is called "The Cecilia Statute"...I had the Cheif, and Lt, and Cpt in my own living room to demand this to take effect to save my grandsons life too. (6 traffic stops, no arrest, no proof of impairment)..The officers were not all here at 1 time, seperate meetings. No DAZZ, I'm not smart enough to make this kinda s**t up bruh....true.

Anyway, a knock at my door yesterday. It was my 21 year old daughter, CC..."Hey Dad, I'm going to college so I need for you to fill out these forms for me, ok well see ya later!"...She goes to her car, drives off... WTF????....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Twilight Zone!

SO, I call the college Admin lastnight. I am being asked to fill out her enrollment papers, and TO TAKE OUT A LOAN TO PAY $15,000.00 per year for the next IDK how long!!!! bahahahahaaaaaaahaha! uh baahhahahaahaahaa!!! meow.

I'm a lil bit fuzzy at the moment.. She had told her mother who lives in another state that "Dad is the one that got me addicted to painkillers, methadone, he gave me pills all the time, and he caused me to be physically assaulted at a party because he gave me pills that night"....

A battle that SHE created for me within her own mind, that I had to fight..WITH HER MOTHER THAT DOESNT EVEN HAVE 1 SINGLE SCREW LEFT HOLDING HER HEAD TOGETHER, LET ALONE LOOSE!!.... and didnt even know WTF I was fighting about, for, or over and had and still have NO Fluckin idea what she was even talking about!!! BAHHAAHHA! BAHAHAHAHAA!!

Maybe you can see my questions and concerns here?..LOL!

Where the hell is the BIG RED WTF button when you need it?

Have a nice day.



08-09-2012, 04:38 PM
She arrived an hour ago. We had to accomplish this task for enrollment together. I had not had a rational conversation with her since March 7th, nor seen her since March 9th. I called the college Admin to get exact specifics as to order of forms, and my responsibility level. I got all the info I requested and began to organize these multiple pieces of paper for her an I to do...and then

I say "The college is requiring me to provide them with financial records and will be pulling my credit history, and full credit report too so what I am asking of you to do in return is to sign a "release" which just allows me to ask how you're moving along or doing with your assignments and grades?"

My daughters reply "NO!" ..."I dont even consider you as being my father after you destroyed my life so quickly so f**k you, I'm done!"...

She heard nothing else I said...I EXPLAINED WHY I HAD TO WRECK HER LIFE, TO SAVE HER LIFE...

I got another F.U...

and there she went..

Not the best outcome for a meeting with my oldest daughter! (acts JUST like her &&%#^@$& Mother)...no forward motion, ever.

OH, well,..live and learn. Part of life.


08-09-2012, 04:58 PM
I'm confused... How did you destroy her life... Or even change it? Did you have her locked up? Rehab? What about your grandchild? Where is he/she?
I'm so sorry that you're going through this... I finally get the name now "Enduroman", man, youre life is def an endurance test! Poor guy. Well, so far it sounds like you're doing the right thing. You have every right to request the ability to check on her academic progress if you're having to provide info in order for her to qualify to rec financial aide. She sounds incredibly bitter, and b/c there are 2 sides to every story, maybe she has at least a small reason to feel that way, idk?? HOWEVER, if she's requesting a "favor" from you, then she needs to be willing to give a little as well.
Wishing you peace and strength as you deal with this situation.

08-09-2012, 05:42 PM
Dear whatif,

I observed my own daughter sitting in a burning chair, passed out, no response. The day before that day, she came to visit and staggered through my house at 9am, unable to speak an audible word. I reacted with intense investigation, learning information as quickly as possible from everyone she knew..other then her. I was provided with all the factual knowledge, papers, times, drug names, locations, mgs taking each day, and for how long.

I then sent in the authorities to apply great pressure to her, without me being near. I was a covert op, I had to be. It is my own 1st born child.

I also contacted our Dr of 23 years to inform of received and validated information and the reason why her heart was barely beating, and BP so low.
I ordered him to "flag" her, pull, revoke, stop all prescriptions and also to refuse her further treatment. He did.
I also called the clinic she was visiting, every single morning, with my grandson in the car..in a rough hood, in a big city 30 miles away...
I threatened the clinic with an immediate investigation as to how she was able to sneak in, with her lengthy list of prescribed meds from our Dr... as the mixture of substances in the amounts she was dosing should have already killed her, she was lucky to be breathing today.

She was taking 4X's an amount of this chemical mix then what had already been proven to kill others as they slept..2 days later, a Senior in a local HS died while taking the exact same mixture at a party...only 1/4th of what my daughter was taking.

I had to destroy her life, to save her life...a decision I will pay for, for the rest of my own life..I accept that. Because she lives to play another day.

Thank you for your concern friend. Yes, my entire life has been nothing short of a constant test of endurance..it gets tiring.


08-09-2012, 09:26 PM
You are a great Father, your choice to put your daughter's life over you're own relationship w your her is something to be admired. Believe it or not, there are several parents who wouldn't have the balls to do that... If she fully recovers, she will one day see the sacrifice you made... Till then, hang in there and keep doing what you're doing! Kudos! ;)

08-09-2012, 09:36 PM
You did the right thing

Stand firm and offer love and emotional support...when she can learn to appreciate and enjoy that, then provide other types of support,


08-09-2012, 09:52 PM
Thank you both. I knew what must be done, in every detail with no instruction manual. The hardest part of this was the fact that it took me 10 weeks to figure out why the other 20+ people that saw, observed, watched, knew, and allowed this to happen to her over a 1 1/2 year period (and all were adults) did NOT say 1 word to me about it...They just sat back and watched her become an addict and also endanger the life of my 1st grandson, every, single, day.....I do not lack in the balls dept=assertive=aggressive=assassin areas...I had to fight this battle alone, and now pay for the repercussions of this battle alone too. Unreal what life throws at some of us on an almost regular basis.

Support much appreciated friends.

08-10-2012, 07:10 PM
You did the right thing!!!!!
It may take a while for her to see that, but I'm quite sure, one day, she will, and she will thank you for making what I'm sure was a very tough decision.