View Full Version : Hyper aware of everything.

08-09-2012, 01:00 AM
I am so aware of everything that my body goes through, and it's not helpful. I just cut my foot on what I think was some glass, and now I'm worried about blood loss. As well as the possibility of the glass having gotten on my hand, and possibly in some other part of my body. Like my face, or my neck, or my arm. I'm not even sure why I started thinking of that, but it seems to be what my anxious mind likes to do. Consider every possible unpleasant scenario, which then scares me, and has me googling.. which then leads to me not being able to sleep. Normal people don't worry about things like that. If they got cut on some glass, they wouldn't even consider where the other shards were.. especially since I'm not even sure what I cut my foot on! Sometimes I feel like I worry about the dumbest things, and I feel so pathetic because I just can't get past it.

08-09-2012, 01:13 AM
Sucks, doesn't it?

Let me slap a "classic anxiety disorder" label on your forehead.... <SLAP> there ya go.
OOOh, the colour suits you...

Now everyone can see what you've got and you'll be reminded of it each time you look in the mirror.

Ever been to or considered attending cognetive therapy? It'll help untangle the rational part of your brain that's been (temporarily) short-circuited.
(OR... try it yourself. Look hard at the situation & try to come to a rational decision, forget it and then just 'effing well move on coz there's better things to do in life than worry about a teeny, weeny irrelevent cut that'll heal and be totally forgotten about in no time)

08-09-2012, 07:09 AM
I too am hyper aware of every little thing that happens to my body... It sucks! I'm trying hard to accept the things I "feel" as just "normal" and move on, but it's extremely hard for me. I know better than to dwell on the "why do I feel this way" thoughts... Sometimes I'm successful is saying, "who gives a shit... Just move on!", and sometimes I'm not. Hang in there, keep pushing yourself to put things into perspective and see things from a rational point of view. For now, put Neosporin on your cut and move on... Good luck :)

08-09-2012, 07:55 AM
I've gone from being hyper-aware about my body (health anxiety) to being hyper-aware about the news. Anxiety is a fatalistic game of "what if." No one ever thinks "what if" with a good turnout.

08-09-2012, 08:04 AM
Yuk me too :( Everything we worry about its always the worse case. Why can't we have a disorder that makes us think good things? Like what if we have a wonderful and healthy day?

08-09-2012, 08:09 AM
Freakinoutnow... Lol, that would be GREAT!!! Would love to over obsess about Positive things!.... "What if I have a great day where I feel completely healthy and super comfortable being alone!". Wow, almost made me feel good just to say that... Hmmmm? Maybe I should try that chant every morning?!?!

08-09-2012, 08:25 AM
I think our brains just like running through all the worst case scenarios. It's like our brains aren't happy unless they are fretting over something even though our minds would love to think otherwise.

And yes I am separating mind and brain.

08-09-2012, 08:26 AM
Whatif, I know wouldn't that be wonderful! I am going to try something like this today and see if it works. I am only going to allow my mind to obsess about good things or nothing at all.

08-09-2012, 08:51 AM
Great!!! I'll do the same... Thanks for the challenge! Good luck to you my friend... WE CAN DO THIS!!! :-)

08-09-2012, 10:50 PM
Dazza: I have considered therapy in general, I'm just not sure if it'd help. I'd certainly like to give it a try. I'm not sure I could easily convince myself that everything's okay..

What a challenge! I'll certainly try to do the same, positive thinking! Easier said than done, in my case. Lately the smallest of things sets me off.