View Full Version : Need to travel again help!

08-08-2012, 10:12 PM
Long story shirt as possible
Ages 1-18 normal childhood
Age 19 developed sever anxiety and panic disorder
Took clonipin and doxepen and therapy for two years
Age 21 back to normal traveled the country had fun no meds or problems for 11 years

Ages 32 panic and anxiety returned doctor gave me Xanax and lexapro
Took lexapro for two years regularly and then sporadically for 7 years total which brings me To Where i was a week ago . I have had anxiety everyday for past 7 yearsike I said I have taken lexapro sporadically but Xanax everyday. I took 1mg xr to cope. I do not have full blown panic attacks but still have the anxiety and worst if all I can travel. I get really panicky at thought of long trips as matter of fact have not been out of my city in 7 years

Recently my business partner bought me and my family a cruise unaware of my situation. I am determined to go so I went back to doc and she put me on 25mg zoloft and wants me to go to 100mg in two weeks and Xanax as needed. I am only on my second day but I need advice if this will work so I can get my life back and travel for my family. And tips or d ice would be welcome

08-09-2012, 01:09 AM
Hey 44,

Its such a wonderful age to be BTW and its 230am here and I'm already up because of these stupid steroids so if this makes no sense to you, or me when I wake up again in another few hours then f**k it cuz I'm sleeptyping and I got 2 more days of this BS left for 16 total days of "oh, I've slept for 3 friggin hrs so lets go mow the lawn syndrome"...So here we go..IMO, your internal systems are obviously already going to have an "understanding and familiarity" to the lexapro (es-citalopram) I think to be exact but I'm incoherent now so I'm trying..Another company had already produced a medication mixture that was (citalopram) without the (es) which IMHO is the same damn thing, but yet just another way to make a $ for another drug maker by adding in the (es) molecule yadda yadda...The difference is that the (citalopram) is a generic and $4 and the (es-citalopram) is big $$$..Its just a bunch of BS to me and = the same friggin thing as recognises by your systems.

IMO..at 3am..I would request a scrip of the (citalopram) if you have no ins to pay for meds/ (escitalopram) if you do have medication coverage..and decline the zoloft being able to do anything for you within 2 weeks idea or theory....other then give you an irritating headache during this period of adjustment.

Also, have some dramamine handy (cool med for travel) and also an anti-histamine that is sedating and calming too called doxylamine (yes, you can buy just doxy itself as an OTC generic for about $4.

Thats what I would do if faced with your situation friend..
