View Full Version : Need some help sorting out my thoughts

08-08-2012, 07:27 PM
Hey everyone,

To give some background I am going to be a Sophomore in college coming up this year. My mental disorders began with Dysthymia about two years ago. For the last 6 months I have pretty much overcome it. But, for the last 3 or 4 months I have had problems with anxiety. I may also be some Pure-O OCD traits in the form of obsessive thoughts and worry. The content of my anxiety has shifted often. One particular topic was the fear of being a Pedophile (POCD). Basically I would constantly check myself for pedophile thoughts until I about had myself convinced that I was one. I have been able to work myself out of that thankfully. I have been seeing a Psychologist off and on for a year and I have just started on Paxil.

Now for my concern, I used to love my college. Everything about it. I became very involved in my first year and I am already more going to be more involved this year. However, about one month ago I went out with a friend who was having trouble with her college. He complained to me about not liking his college and wanting to transfer. Just five minutes after saying goodbye I was hit by this instant dread and distaste of my college. Now as I am getting closer to leaving I am just dreading more and more the aspect of going back.

Compared to many other problems here I know this seems minor, but it is occupying hours of my time every day. I am at an excellent school for my degree and I have so many connections that leaving would be very difficult. I know I am the best expert on myself, but whats going on here?

08-09-2012, 12:56 AM
You need to remember what it was you liked about your college. Don't let your friends experiences dictate how yours will be.