View Full Version : feeling low

02-25-2007, 06:12 AM

I am feeling really low today with my anxiety, I have been feeling down on and off for about 3 months but I can't seam to shake it off this time, and im really starting to lose hope, i just can't be bothered to fight it anymore. I do really feel i'd be better off dead I just dont want to feel like this. I talk to my friends but i think they are a bit sick of me as i have been going on and on for about 3 months!

Its a really stupid thing where all this came from, it was about 3 months ago when it came to sleeping with a new partner and they in my eyes were far too good for me and I could not perform, after that i did not eat for about a week, found it hard to sleep. I ended things with them as I could not face seeing them again. I have developed a phobia of sex, because im so scared of it happening again. I knwo this is stupid but i just can't get over it i have felt like shit for months and its just not getting better. Every says you have to face your fears which is true when I didnt want to go out i went out and I was fine. BUT if im all anxious and trying to face it wont help as it will happen again if im all wound up. Everyone says just date people until you are ready but i cant even face that. I have never had this prob before and i used to LOVE sex.

Been to the docs about it a few times but they wont give my anything i did start counselling this week but that just made me even worse. I just cry all the time and feel so sad really wish i was dead. If i'm not depressed i'd hate to know what it feels like to be depressed!

02-26-2007, 03:19 AM
Being sad when you begin a course of therapy is normal. Stick with it. As for the low self esteem that I am afriad is the nature of the beast try not to give in to it and let it rule your life. Speak to your partner. I hope you feel better soon.

Stay Strong
