View Full Version : Scared stiff

08-08-2012, 04:54 AM
Hi guys - just been given antibiotics from the doctors for respiratory tract infection it's made me feel so Ill and not the infection the thought of taking antibiotics !! The doc gave me syrup instead of Tablets to soften the blow but I'm in a mess! So scared of allergies its unreal- please does anyone know of a natural cure? Or will it go on its own? I have asthma and my inhalers are the only thing I don't mind taking please help

08-08-2012, 06:24 AM
Why are you afraid to take the antibiotics?

Also, what is the antibiotic called?

We'll help you work through this :-)

08-08-2012, 07:11 AM
Dear Shar,

Scared stiff over an anti-biotic medication which is engineered, designed, analyzed, created in a laboratory by some really smart chemist to treat, cure, and heal the tissue damage that is being caused by a ravenous germ, microb, or bacteria in your respiratory system to prevent further damage, destruction, and deterioration of your internal systems?...
1. If you are so petrified of an "allergic reaction" then have some (anti-histamines) nearby..loratidine, chloraphenramine,..so either be prepared for it or don't take it and remain ill.
2. If the anti-biotic is "penicillin" class and that freaks you out because you've heard that people are "allergic" to this type, then either take them and be prepared for the potential allergic reaction above with an (anti-histamine) nearby... OR
3. Call the Dr. and say "I believe I am allergic to penicillin type medications and I wish to be prescribed a "sulfonamide" type instead because those are less likely
to cause me an "allergic" reaction"...but for your own comfort, STILL have an (anti-histamine) nearby...
4. If you're still petrified of some sort of allergic response or reaction after all this...then go get some VITAMIN C CHEWABLES/ORANGE AND CHEW UP 1000MGS 2 TIMES A DAY, AND THEN GO GET SOME RAW/CHOPPED/GARLIC IN A JAR AND HAVE 2 PIECES OF TOAST WITH A TBS OF RAW/UNCOOKED/GARLIC ON EACH PIECE!! THEN, AT MID-DAY HAVE A SNACK BUT SOMEHOW ADD IN HALF A RAW/UNCOOKED/WHITE OR YELLOW ONION!!! Garlic is a very powerful anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory natural, but...you're going to STINK!.. Onions are very powerful anti-biotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial naturals. Vitamin C is a very powerful anti-oxident, anti-inflammatory, immune system turbo-charger..
5. The inhaler that you are not afraid to take daily, is a (catabolic steroid) catabolic means to "tear-down"..or in Viking terms, destroy. The steroids that muscle heads use are called (anabolic) anabolic means to "build up" or in Viking terms, strength...

SO,....there ya go friend NOW QUITE FREAKIN OUT!! Its too early for freakin out yet...


Get well FAST!

Enduronman.... :) (phew, I can smell you from here!) LOL!

08-08-2012, 07:48 AM
Yes, and if you're scared, try and have someone nearby who can check on you and see how you're doing. In my experience, an allergic reaction usually happens within 30 minutes. If it eases your mind any, I have had allergic reactions to antibiotics and I just got really itchy and tingly. I was given some Benadryl and all was well :-) Of course everyone is different, so having someone around to check on you can help.

08-08-2012, 08:14 AM
Hi- that's for your replies- I'm allergic to penecillin and erythromycin so the doc gave me is cefalaxin- I'm too scared to take it- won't the infection go on its own ? I have a food phobia too I eat very limited

08-08-2012, 08:27 AM

Yer OK on the cefalexin. You're SELF-CREATING this horrifying environment by over-thinking and over-processing this minor issue.

Follow the instructions that I have provided you with above..read them until you understand them.

1. You go for it, and follow the detailed instructions above OR
2. You eat the natural recommendations that you asked for OR
3. You sit there and permit a baterial infection to invade your body and do nothing....

I can not force you to make a decision here. I can only support the statements that I have typed to "prepare" you in EVERY SINGLE POSSIBILITY, CASE, OR SCENARIO...

I am your friend, I am looking out for you from "cyberville", I am your personal/get this job done/coach on the opposite side of the earth,..I have not steered you into a brick wall...

It will not GO AWAY no matter how much you wish, hope, or pray...

Make yer move..I got faith in you.

E-Man. :)

08-09-2012, 12:54 AM
I understand the freaking yourself out thing, because I frequently do it. So, take a deep breath. Drink a glass of water. Remain calm. Your doctor is a smart person. He was trained to prescribe medication effectively and safely. He knows about the medications you are allergic to. He prescribed one you aren't allergic to. In my experience, wheni was afraid of something happening to me, it really helped to have someone there to help if need be( drive you to dr if necessary or give you an antihistamine.) I totally sympathize with you. The best way to take the liquid medicine is to just tilt your head back and swallow it and drink a glass of water and then eat a cracker after. If it is a pil, ( this causes me anxiety) the faster you take it the better. You should take this medication. You are sick and your inhaler isn't working. The medicine will.