View Full Version : ahh, Just some random thoughts before my bed-meds throw me down...

08-07-2012, 10:48 PM
1. Do not ever convince a Police Cheifs only daughter to sneak out of her house so you can go pick her up. He will find you, very quickly..at yer Grandmothers house who is 84 years old and disabled and asleep. Cuz it just isnt cool.
2. Do not ever sit in the High School parking lot at lunchtime and drink beer, cuz yer Mom may just pull up right beside you. uhhhhh
3. Do not ever break into your Mothers house while shes away, and you do not live there to turn all the lights on and have a huge party in a neighborhood that she knows everybody in...lots of red lights flashin everywhere, weird.
4. Do not ever take a car out for a drive, when your parent tried to disable it and removed the plates to prevent this. Do not fix it, then attach a license plate to the back of the car that says 1969 but its actually 1984...nothing odd about that.
5. Do not use someones tomatoes to hone your baseball pitching skills at night, while aiming at passing cars passenger side doors...it may just be a Police car that you just unloaded a fastfruit on...imagine that..
6. Do not ever run an electric razor through your friends hair when he is passed out..wasnt a good look on him.
7. Do not ever go to the County Lockup to get a friend out..when you cant even speak or stand up..weird.
8. Do not ever skip classes at your school, to go to another out of town school as a student..only to do stupid sinister acts and then disappear..
9. Do not ever criticise your woodshop teacher..because hes missing fingers...odd
10. and lastly because I'm zzzz...Do not ever take all of your Mothers hairspray cans, and throw them into the neighbors trashburn drum..

Just a few hints to keep you all safe and sound..


Enduronman. :)

08-07-2012, 11:01 PM
:-) nice, thank you that was great!

08-07-2012, 11:13 PM
definitely made me smile.