View Full Version : DEAR FORUM FRIENDS, SISTERS, BROTHER, SONS, DAUGHTERS & 3rd Cousin, twice removed.

08-07-2012, 06:20 PM
PLEASE do not take my earlier post to Dr. Able seriously..It was my only way to get back out of "The Anxiety Matrix" again, I had no choice. I had an immediate need to relieve some stresses created by an uncooperative Dr. that chose not to help, assist, care for, treat,...one of OUR OWN anxiety stricken friends and regular forum members that desperately seeks some sort of relief, only to be turned away, neglected, abandoned, ignored.. I FEEL this persons pain, misunderstanding, and extreme frustration because this member knew that an actual positive yet temporary solution was within reach. In fact, a few chicken scratches that no one can even read away...

I do not like this feeling. I do not accept how this member of our community was treated, it isn't fair..but the perpetrator is not within my reach.

I dont like that either..

This person has relentlessly sought out to seek guidance, opinions, support, and suggestions from many of us diligently, commendably, admirably.

This person has ALL of the required information and backing (that is needed) to feel "normal" once again, and read, learned, and also understood all of the perceptual theory typed before the members eyes and sent through space. Tangible, proveably, theoretical evidenciary support...

Where in the h**l are all these complicated words coming from!! I can't even count to 2!!!...

Anyway, please forgive my actions to use this OPEN WALL TO THE WORLD to voice my own opinion and thank you for not turning me in to The Admin also....I'm sure that he also understands my infuriation as well.

Friends, helping cyberspace friends...people that actually care. I wish I wouldv'e went to MEDICAL SCHOOL!!! or even just school period!!.

(sigh)...deep breath. I'm done there.

Enduronman. :/