View Full Version : Hypochondria ??

08-07-2012, 08:59 AM
I'm so sick of this!! I feel ill every day. My heart flutters, I feel short of breath, my chest has a buzzing sensation going through it, I cough a lot. I've Googled everything and it's lead me to believe I have some sort of heart disease. I feel like it's been too long since I saw a doc and want to go back constantly, just to be re-assured. The last time I was at the E.R was about three months ago with the same symptoms and they would have found something then, if it were anything, right?? I'm making myself insane believing that I could have something terribly wrong with my heart and expect every day to be my last since I will, inevitably, have a heart attack and die. What do I do?????

08-07-2012, 09:56 AM
Please read a previous post labeled "Health Anxiety" first...then we go from there.

Enduronman. :)

08-07-2012, 12:55 PM
Where is that one located?

08-19-2015, 03:45 AM
Heyy - we are currently making a doc about people who are suffering from Hypochondria - if anyone is interested get in touch