View Full Version : We are stronger then most

08-07-2012, 01:15 AM
I think sometime we, as anxiety sufferers, can get discouraged and see ourselves as weak. But really I have come to realize that we are stronger then the majority of people. It takes some serious balls to live through each day with constant panic and not end up in a mental institution. Sure we may be worried 24/7 and think we have a possible brain tumor on a regular occasion but anxiety is one of the most debilitating conditions in the world. You may struggle through each day but the fact that you even make it through each day says so much about you. So next time you are having a bad day or feeling discouraged or weak because of your condition remember the strength you have deep down that has got you through this mess all this time.

This was more of a late night post panic attack rant. I hate anxiety so much and would not wish it on my worst enemy. I guess what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. Thank you everyone for this forum. It is so nice to know we are not alone in this struggle.

08-07-2012, 01:28 AM

Very true.

To the outsiders we appear to be somewhat nutty, but they don't know... they don't know the truth.

Fortunately, I'm a professional 41 year old guy. The fact that I am professional and the age I am means that at least people DO listen to me and have taken on board what I have told them.

A very basic, yet effective explanation I have is this:

Imagine being in a non-fatal, but quite severe car crash. Imagine the fear you feel as you skid toward the stationary car in front at some 60 miles an hour... and the physical reaction that your body experiences.

This is pretty much the exact same situation I feel on a regular basis, only it's being innapropriately triggered by my partially malfunctioned mind.

Little wonder I've had to get up from my desk and leave work on a few occasions... because I didn't want to crash in front of everyone.

(This is essentially what anxiety disorder / panic attack is. An inappropriate feeling of intense fear and doom)

You may want to use other analogies, like being chased across the plains by a pack of lions.
Pretty much the same thing.

08-07-2012, 01:53 AM
I have to say thank you to both of you for your posts .
They have helped me a great deal , so much so I have written them down to remind myself that I am strong & I am also not crazy .
Thank you :-)

08-07-2012, 04:16 AM
I was blessed with strengths that far exceed anyone I've met or encountered throughout this life, it has came in handy many times..we are stronger in certain ways and thats a fact..Did I see DAZZA in here writing on this wall too??...IDK it is awful early and I just got up to eat a hair in my oatmeal and after 3 hours of sleep it didnt get me real excited as I held it up and looked to the sky. Is this how my days going to be??? OK THEN! Bring it on!!!
