View Full Version : Health Anxiety

08-06-2012, 10:31 PM
This is my first post here, I've been looking for somewhere to talk about my anxiety where people will understand. Talking to my friends is nice, but they don't really get it. And talking to my parents about it is an intimidating idea.

Most of my anxiety is concentrated on my health. I google much more than I should. And while I know most of my symptoms are anxiety related, the same symptoms I experience are also symptoms for plenty of other illnesses.

The scarier symptoms include heartburn, a burning sensation in my head along with pressure.. when I get really worked up, in anxiety attack mode, I feel nauseous. I get tingles usually in my arms, and fingertips. I deal with dizziness sometimes too. All of the symptoms of anxiety are scary, and being a hypochondriac makes it all the more terrifying.

I'm always afraid of serious or incredibly rare diseases. I'm not sure how to not focus on it. And then every time I use google or webmd to try to set my mind at ease, it just makes me feel worse. It seems like every time I read a symptom, I start to feel it.

Does anyone else feel like this? Or have any similar symptoms?

08-06-2012, 11:16 PM
Thats where my anxiety started.. i was feeling numb in my left arm, so i googled it.. Bang. heart attack shows up on google.

30-45 minutes later.. anxiety mimics a heart attack.. im only 15 and im athletic, so the odds of me having a heart attack are really low.. but i constantly think im going to hav

08-06-2012, 11:54 PM
I sure wish I had something to offer here of usefulness but to be honest with you I am not well versed in this particular area and know very little about it, its cause, how it manifest, or its effects on self. I will say however that this condition doesnt even appear to be well understood by the medical community in general because even when trained, licensed, official, Dr's with an enormous amount of knowledge and credentials and background run a bunch of test, only to find nothing physically wrong with any certain or specific individual, that's where the key of understanding somehow gets lost. If they (even with all the advancements in medicinal technoligy and treatment options available) can't find any A specific ailment, disease, infection, or even injury to treat..then they're at a loss as to what to actually do. I'm just typing opinionated thoughts here. I however, know that this condition all starts within the brain "motherboard" of said patient because of worry, fret, or concern over a possible health related condition that isnt even there, nor do they know if it ever will be? This condition seems to be merely based on the fact that each individual person (assumes, speculates, presumes, makes unknown assumptions) of oneself that the particular event, instance, occasion, ailment, sickness, disease is either already there or is going to be there at some point or another.. To me, this appears to have a solid basis and foundation that is feeding off of yet another underlying condition that actually does exist like depression, or anxiety. Either or..The only way to find out what the real "platform' for which this condition stands upon actually is?..Then treat the actual cause itself, rather then what appears to be a "secondary side effect" of something that truly is real... If the primary basis of this appears to be "anxiety" on an obviously much grander scale that what I know about, then I would start there first. Treatment of anxiety is way different then treatment for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mania, or psychosis as (anti-psychotics or atypical anti-psychotics would be administered or prescribed).. I do recall that my daughter was prescribed something called risperdal at one time, and I recall paying $230 for 30 tablets also. I also recall that I still have 28 left, because she did not wake up for 2 solid days either and this was when she was in High School. HMMM...

I would suggest to start with the bare basics first to alleviate the anxiety symptoms with any number of much less sedating medications. The purpose of the anti-anxiety medication is to "take your mind off of these things that threaten your mind"..GABA agonist like benzodiazapines. Or even start out with an anti-histamine that has and still is used as frontline/first attempt tries like Hydrox. I dont like the old saying of "go big or go home" when it comes to this issue. I would start small, safe, easy, cheap,..then re-assess the situation. If an anti-psychotic is still required then there are a couple that are (1st generation) chemicals and also in the $4 a month range..if those do not produce the desired effect then step up to the atypical anti-psychotics (2nd generation) which means big $$$ but the trade off is that the side effects profile is much less lengthy too. It's just a matter of what works, for each individual person.

Not real sure what else to offer here other then the brain is creating the turmoil itself implanted into your thought. Also, from what I've read, seen, and actually felt too, the mind can create physical pain and pain sensory response, even though nothings even there that can be proved and is usually discredited or discounted. grrrr...This one is difficult for me. I will say however that a "multi-front" approach would produce better results, in a more substantive manner. (psychologist, councelor, therapist along with anti-anxiety medications too)..It may even be a hormonal imbalance caused by the "chronic stress and worry" itself.. There are obviously any number of ways to attack this issue and I will suggest or help you to understand something below that is obviously 1 of our major differences.

1. I do not stress, worry, or fret, about the unknowns.
2. I too have anxiety, ADD, ADHD, and PTSD but I again do not worry about whether my body or internal systems are functioning correctly.
3. I am not afraid of the unknowns, unforeseens, speculatives, or assumptions/presumptions.
4. I am an "is what it is" type of personality.
5. If I can fix it, I do..If I can not fix it, I accept it.
6. I'm not afraid of death either..which may be the root of this illness. I just dont know.
7. Believing that there is another life, after this physical life may also be helpful to accept or at least acknowledge to lighten the heavy load.

I did the best I could here friend, with what little knowledge I have on this specific concern. Hopefully there's something helpful in there somewhere...I tried friend...I just do not fully comprehend this disorder, but do know that more then likely all of these things that you ponder daily about your physical self...just do not exist.

Kindest regards,


08-07-2012, 01:04 AM

Your anxious mind and transient, physical symptoms thereof are very typical of mid-to-high level anxiety.

Assuming you have had a medical check up (?) and have been given the all clear then your first step to a better place to try and accept this very profound fact and if you need MORE reassurance then get it without delay.

However, bare in mind that when you are seeking reassurance you MUST actually accept it rather than fight it or agrue with it.
Often, people are so self convinced and anal about their condition(s) that, even if a professional tells them otherwise... they STILL argue with it.
These antidisestablishment types (people who feel they know everything and are always right) have a big fight on theirs hands which CANNOT be won, so best to accept the information provided with open arms and be done with it, ok?

Cognetive therapy is one if not THE most effective treatment (reassurance) to date and I don't just highly recommend it, I absolutely recommend it.
The information and explanations they give is biblical to your recovery... remember that.

08-07-2012, 01:09 AM
... oh, and STOP googling. RIGHT NOW.

Giant search engines such as google are so sophisticated that they will pick up EVERY single, most distantly related result in the world and this is the last thing you want, full stop.

Seriously, from this moment hereon, do NOT continue web searching for answers... UNLESS they are within the confines of an anxiety website.

08-12-2012, 10:17 AM
I agree and is something I have had to learn the hard way stop googling! Take Care all!

08-12-2012, 12:42 PM
I agree and is something I have had to learn the hard way stop googling! Take Care all!

I stopped googling when i found out i was 8 months pregnant and had polio.

08-12-2012, 08:37 PM
Health anxiety...I have it too. I think I have every illness there is. If someone mentions someone has died I have to know how they died. Just today at my daughter's softball practice a mom was talking about her brother's recent death at 40 of a heart arrhythmia and I am convinced that is a sign that it will happen to me too! Can't watch medical shows and have had to stop googling too. Everything is a "sign" that something is wrong withe too. Even though I went to a reputable cardiologist who td me he was 100 percent sure there was nothing wrong with my heart and he hardly ever says that I had to go for a second and third opinion and still not convinced because I know what I feel!

08-13-2012, 06:47 AM
This can apply to more than just health anxiety. Anything you fret about, do not Google for further information.

Once you learn, your brain will not unlearn.

And the other major problem with Googling health issues, no matter how benign, every symptom looked up always leads to something bad.

08-19-2015, 03:40 AM
Is anyone interested in exploring immersive therapy for health anxiety?

08-19-2015, 03:42 AM
We are exploring it for a documentary we are making

08-19-2015, 03:42 AM
(UK based)