View Full Version : Another day of "trials and tribulations"...testing...yippee. :)

08-06-2012, 07:18 PM
Forum friends,

Yes, its me again. Yes, today I was yet again tested by sources unknown to me. I had a 4pm meeting planned to be a Consultant on a historic home restoration project. That is what I do, restore 100 to 160 year old homes. At least until last May 28th anyway. Considering, I have literally done nothing except live in extreme pain, suffering, and agony since (although I have felt ok the past 5 days) I thought that this would be a good way to make a few $$$ and all I had to do was talk. Not lift 100 pound objects, climb, pound, cut, nail..nothing. I was excited to say the least. I walked out my front door at 3:55pm to arrive promptly at 4. I am a FREAK about timeliness...

I walk out to be greeted by a disheveled fella around my age on my sidewalk. He ask me "where is the nearest major city, and how far is it away?".. My brain went into immediate figure this out quickly mode. I answered, "its 3 miles east, and 27 miles north and what it is that you seek?"..His reply, "I'm homeless, hungry, and I need a place to be fed and rest". I asked him "where are you from and why are you standing on my sidewalk in front of my home?". He replied, "I'm from New York, and I have alot of family troubles. Can I have a drink of water sir?".. I answered "You sure can, but what is your name, are you an addict, and where is your baggage?".. He answered "I'm David, I am not a drug addict, and what I'm wearing is all I have sir"... I asked him "please walk up to my porch, and sit down..I will provide you with everything you need. Just remain seated".

I came in and called the police LT and asked him to provide immediate support for a fella on my porch, and heres why. The LT was here in less then 5 mins. I took David a drink, met the LT on the porch, and spoke for this gentleman that was a very long way from his home. The officer conducted his proceedures swiftly, correctly, accurately..The Chaplain was then enroute within 10 mins. I asked David his sizes, shoes, shirts, pants..he had 0. He had not bathed in many days, nor shaven..he had ZIP. I put together 3 pairs of Levis (1 pair brand new), my only pair of good gym shoes, some new socks, 5 nice shirts, a duffel bag, travel soaps, shampoo, lotion, powder, shorts, and took him a pan of water and soap out so he could at least wash his face and get rid of those wornout socks and shoes. He asked me, "are the homeless shelters up there dirty?"..I said "David, you're way dirtier then they are friend so dont worry about that, you'll be sqweeky clean soon, fed, and I even put a pillow case in your bag if you're worried about bugs..you're going to be fine."..

The officer, and the Chaplain escorted him to a ride to our major city some 30 miles away. He was not wanted, he was "clean", he was just a lost soul.. I gave him hope, quick action, quickly planned resolve to his MAJOR life ordeal, and yes his ID said New York City.

I told David before he left here (almost an hour late to my meeting, oh well) that he was placed before me, at this time, on this day, because everything happens for a reason. That reason being, I knew EXACTLY how to assist a fellow person in need ASAP. I did not even flinch..

This yet again, was another "trial", "test", "tribulation" that I passed without fail. Even though I did not know him (I also said "how in the fluck did you land right here?" at one point..He said "IDK"..) I helped, assisted, provided for a complete stranger.. I expect no reward, I expect another challenge to follow..I'm always ready to react.

Just another boring day in the life of Endurodork!...LOL!

That ended in success for another...and an overall good feeling for he and I both with the help of our local law enforcement too. Their actions were admirable in my mind, and I know them all.

Thanks for reading friends.

Enduronman. :)

08-06-2012, 07:45 PM
This is an awesome story :) I love helping homeless people and animals. But most of my work are helping the homeless animals. Its something that makes me feel good and it relieves stress. Keep up the good work :)