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08-06-2012, 03:41 PM
Can you take supplements while on medicine? I took amino acid complex and magnesium and vitamin d and a really good vitamin supplement a few months ago. It seems like my anxiety got better at first and then after two weeks it went absolutely haywire. I went back on my zoloft. Right now it has been a month on zoloft and I still take everything except the amino acid. Can I still take that does anyone know? The zoloft really doesnt do that much other than the fact I barely have emotion. I can not cry. I feel like that is all I want to do and I cannot. I have xanax for emergencies which is again an every day experience.

08-06-2012, 03:56 PM
Personally, I don't think supplements are the answer.

Unless you have been diagnosed with a deficiency and this deficiency is causing symptoms - which in turn are causing your anxiety, then I think it's just a phsychological effect or a "feeling" of well-being that relieves some guilt.

That aside, I think only your doctor can tell you.

I doubt it's harmful... but best ask a professional.

08-06-2012, 05:49 PM
Supplements do actually work for some, others not..There are 8 BILLION of us on this planet and no 2 are genetically the same...weird!. I personally LOVE a few supplements and there are only a couple that I would be wary of in contraindicating with specific medications and those are kava kava, licorice, and st. johns wart. Those are really the only ones that I've ever read or studied about that MAY have some drug interactions depending upon the "type" or "class" of prescribed medication. The only way to know, would be to research the pharmaceutical in relationship to the investigated herbal supplement...Cross-reference.. Chemist, scientist, Dr's, have already done these types of testing and research for us, you just gotta find it...jus sayin.
