View Full Version : If you get tired of seeing my replies, then just say to quit typin and SHUT TO THE UP

08-06-2012, 01:19 PM
I truly empathize with EVERYTHING that you all post on here and I know the reasons why these things physically happen too. I have personally fed my own fires within for decades, only to realize that doing so (living an entire life in chronic stress state/attack mode) had extremely harsh and devastating consequences on my physical self/body/systems. My OWN body attacked ME and my own tissues because of "Intensely High Anxiety Overload" only to realize this a couple months ago. I do NOT wish this crazy crap to happen to any of you and am merely here to offer you exactly what I was FORCED to learn about myself in 60 days. A crash course in "never ignore what your body is telling you for years, because it will come back to bite you on the butt...and hard too.)...

I have much to share, offer, suggest, to help you all understand what the heck the malfunction is.. Living outside of the "Matrix" is really quite pleasant. To bad it took 44 years to figure this out! (sigh)...

Good day to you all.

Grampa Enduronman. :)

08-06-2012, 01:25 PM
You're always very helpful. It's great to have someone like this around here, I don't see how anyone could get tired of it.

08-06-2012, 02:18 PM
Your replies have helped me so much so far. I look forward to each of them.

08-06-2012, 02:57 PM
I agree with the two above me..Enduronman You're probably the best poster on this page. honestly

08-06-2012, 05:27 PM
Thank you all very, very much! This "universe" seems to throw many many "trials" my direction daily. They are merely purposeful in 1 regard, quick thinking, a new challenge, and to be honest with you these "test" are placed upon me and before me for a reason. To make me stronger..I'm not real sure how strong any individual person needs to actually be but I do know EXACTLY how to handle any situation, anywhere, anytime.. It's kinda weird but I know that somewhere out there is "A Master Plan" for me, I just do not know what that plan actually is.. Thank you from the most sincerest part of my heart (that I just found on May 10th, and didn't know it even existed)...mind boggleing!

Kindest regards,
Enduronman, aka (Papaw Intense...as my friends say) LOL! :)