View Full Version : How to stop the fear of going crazy?

08-06-2012, 01:13 PM
This seems to be my biggest "enemy". Sometimes when my anxiety is high I just convince myself that I'm becoming schizophrenic or just going crazy somehow. It takes something really silly to trigger this, for example: If I forget my phone when I leave my house, I think to myself "oh my god, I forgot my phone, I never forget my phone. There's definetely something wrong with my head, my mental health is slowly deteriorating". It's really annoying and scary, it happens even if I can't come up with some specific word or forget what what I was going to say during a conversation. Today I caught myself thinking out loud and freaked out a little bit thinking I was going insane for doing this. What are some ways to convince myself that I'm not going crazy? Is there a simple way I can "prove" to myself that my mind is perfectly fine?

08-06-2012, 03:15 PM
If you.were.crazy or going crazy.. You would not care about.being crazy.. Think about.charlie sheen.. He thinks he is perfectly normal..lol

08-06-2012, 03:35 PM
Ivanas is right ! If you really were going crazy you would not care or realise !! Just an over tired mind & sounds to me like a very normal one , we all do those sorts of things !! :-)

08-06-2012, 03:50 PM
Blimey... the only thing crazy is the fact that you think you're going crazy over the most trivial and every-day things.
Worrying about leaving your phone behind once in a while is crazy in itself... lol

Sounds like you have a case of severe self-diagnostic exaggeration which is SO typical of anxiety.

It's similar to those who suffer health anxiety. E.g. a normal head-ache would often be self concluded as a brain tumour.
Normality is somehow lost and is replaced with exaggerated thoughts.

Nothing in your post is different to any other, normal human being... we all experience the same... with or without anxiety disorder, although it's a lot worse when the mind is pre-occupied with anxiousness.

08-06-2012, 05:39 PM
Hyper-sensitivity...overly chronic sense of self.. Tell us about yourself if you can please? Simple terms, medications, height, weight, age, marital status, kids, finance, diet, activities, hobbies, addictions...This will direct us to the "source" really quickly. I like to fix things fast, and from your tone in your messages...SO DO YOU!! Start typing! please... Thank YOU!

Enduronman. ;)