View Full Version : Advice please!

Trey Thompson
08-06-2012, 03:41 AM
I have been experiencing horrible anxiety since August 2010. That is when I had my first panic attack. My anxiety is bad I worry about everything. I freak out about every little thing. Like recently I seen a spider in my house and tried to kill it but it took off. Now I obsess over these thoughts of what if I see a another spider and I have a panic attack or what if I truly am afraid of them and I'm like this for the rest of my life..etc... I don't understand why these thoughts scare me so much. Yes I have had other obsessive thoughts an fears but seem to get over them. I'm afraid This one is going to stick around forever! At this time I was on medication for a sinus infection I don't know if that caused my anxiety to get worse and my thoughts to race more. Is this anxiety or something else??

08-06-2012, 04:35 AM
aracnaphobia..It is common to be afraid of spiders I have heard. I personally am not, and when I hear screams in this Old House (154 years old) I go get it and throw it outside.. Yes, it also has characteristic simularities to GAD. You're more likely to be struck by lightning 26 times, in the same place..then having a spider harm you in any way. jus sayin...goodluck friend.
