View Full Version : Panic attacks and work

08-05-2012, 04:29 PM
Hello all. Panic attacks are making going to / functioning at work nearly impossible. I'm trying to find a job with less face to face interaction but with no luck yet. I do crisis intervention for teens with behavioral issues. Any suggestions? Thanks

08-05-2012, 04:58 PM
Yes, one thing that I already know that you do..You make their problems, your own problems and feel for them, and are overly empathetic or sympathetic with them because you wish to help them SO badly...You are their advisor, therapist, life navigational coach, mentor..DO NOT give up on them..they need you but you must leave the office work, in the office. Am I gettin warm yet?????....:)


08-05-2012, 05:27 PM
Let me also say that the position you now have, is one I would love to have and let me explain why. I was a troubled juvenile, in fact the most troubled. I was arested 30+ times prior to the age of 18. I was an addict, but not to a "street drug". It was a chemical produced within my own body..adrenaline. My physical body literally "threw in the towel" and quit functioning properly (because I pushed IT to hard so it pushed ME back on May 10th of this year). I havent worked since but have a vast knowledge of why my body did this. I have contacted the local JDC to seek a councelors position or just a consulting type of role there. i have not had 1 arest, 1 problem, 1 issue of illegality since the age of 18. In fact, they cant even produce my records in 3 different counties because it was 1984,85,86..Theyre destroyed. That was going to be my "Masters Degree" or proof thereof. I only have a 7th grade academic education, so you see the trouble I may have gettin in. I can still walk, talk and think very sharply but my body is worn out from 30 years of construction and 5 years of weights, and 8 years of being a 3 sport athelete.. I am going in there however, knowing that it was not ME that put them into this condition or position..it was them. I just wish to help them "think" in a specific way to keep them out, to guide them, to let them know it IS possible to succeed with NO diploma, NO education, No so called hope for a bright future. I own 2 companies, do and have done very well (when I could walk), and know things that are practical and valuable to this world. (for instance, I bought a car yesterday for my Dad. His car has no AC. It was going to be $1100 to fix his AC. I bought a car that I know from top to bottom mechanically and have owned these particular makes and models for over 25 years. It had a few issues, to most people theyre HUGE, to me..theyre all corrected today within 3 hours while my Dad's head is spinning and hes asking all kinds of questions that pertain to the next step..The car is mechanically perfect, with AC thats cold, will run another 100,000 miles without fail, and I only paid $1100 for it..power everything. He is truly enjoying this new piece o s**t car, but it really isnt. I stole this car for that kinda $$$$'s..and the guy I bought it from knows that today as he's kicking himself in the a** for gettin rid of it)..Point is, I didnt take auto-mechanics, I just know and learned from experiences throughout this life.. same as above, help troubled juvies..I was one of the worst, but I flipped the "switch"...

jus sayin...its all in how you interpret your position or in your case...your job.



08-05-2012, 05:36 PM
Thanks Enduroman. Prior to this job I was a correctional officer in a max security prison for 11 years. I love helping but I need to distance myself from human services

08-05-2012, 05:48 PM
AHH,..I get the full picture now. I was on the right track. I can also see where you now believe your operable duties and obligations or attempts to help others reform have come to an end.. What's your next new challenge if I may ask?.. I have changed things up throughout life too, and it has ALWAYS worked out just fine in the end..best wishes to you gohard73!!


08-06-2012, 08:03 AM
I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing. I'm looking for a career where I deal w/ at few people face to face as possible

08-06-2012, 08:38 AM
BEFORE you try to "re-arrange" your entire life AROUND an anxiety disorder...I would deal with the anxiety disorder 1ST... Thats just me thinkin in a rational and logical manner. I am overly practical, and would much rather deal with the underlying cause and effect rather then try to "plan around it" as that theory makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever and maybe some others here will see exactly what it is that I mean here too.. Goodluck with whatever direction or path you choose to walk...
