View Full Version : I have health anxiety! HELP!!! :'(

08-05-2012, 01:21 PM
Hello, I just wanted to see if anyone else deals with health anxiety. I worry about my body and I know i shouldn't. I just need someone to help me and give me some advice. I need someone to relate too. Please answer back! :\

08-05-2012, 01:35 PM
Right here buddy. Trust me.. Look at all my posts, and you'll see how freaked out I am... I'm worrying about a heart attack at the age of 15.. and im highly athletic.. Its pretty much impossible for me to have a heart attack, but i still think it anyways.

08-05-2012, 03:57 PM
Research the clinical disorder called "hypochondria"...You're going to be fine, but I must admit that I am not well versed in this disorder though either..

Best wishes.


08-05-2012, 10:09 PM
I deal with health anxiety too. Like right now, my left arm is aching. I'm afraid if I go to sleep, I'm going to have a stroke and die. It's problem just aching from work today since I did something I normally don't do. But I'm still freaking out about it. I think "i need to go to the ER" but then try to convince myself that nothing is wrong it's just anxiety.

08-05-2012, 10:24 PM
I suffered from it too...the therabist told me it's all about lifestyle...sleeping and waking up early,find a job,find a soul mate and working out(aerobic exercises) will help alot.

08-06-2012, 05:19 PM
Hello, I just wanted to see if anyone else deals with health anxiety. I worry about my body and I know i shouldn't. I just need someone to help me and give me some advice. I need someone to relate too. Please answer back! :\

Health anxiety is not fun. I deal with this as well. In fact I have one very specific fear - HIV. It has me anxious all the time. If I'm in any way intimate with someone I have significant panic attacks that only go away after I take the test ..... Only to come back the next time. I don't have pacific advice. I am working with a psychologist and using the cognitive behavior book " mind over mood " in these sessions.

Is there something particular you worry about? Has something in you past made you super vigilant?

08-06-2012, 06:02 PM
When I started having anxiety, I began to have an irrational free that my body is going to "power off" at any second. No warning, no symptoms, just dead. I still struggle with this. I'm afraid of having an anneurism, or stroke, or some crazy thing happen to me. You get into a thought process for so long, and its that much harder to get out of it.

08-06-2012, 06:08 PM
Hypochondria..I do not know, and am not really well versed in this subject but what I can say about it is that it is clearly obvious to me that these "self-manifested and or self-created thought patterns" would be considered typical in a person whereas there is a lack thereof a "particular brain chemical" or maybe just quite the opposite as there may be too much of a "particular brain chemical"... I am going to research this for abit, I understand things REALLY QUICKLY... I wanna help, so I will learn it. :)


08-06-2012, 07:54 PM
My anxiety and panic attacks started about 8 years ago. I believe or actually I know that they began after dealing with an extremely stressful relationship. My ex was an alcoholic and drug addict. I tried to deal.with it and help him change his lifestyle, but it didn't work. Anyway, my first panic attack was in the middle of the night. I felt like I was drowning in my own body. My heart was racing, it was very hard to breathe and I felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn't kick the feeling and ended up in the er. They kept me for 3 days because my heart rate would not go below 150-170. After all of the testing, they diagnosed me with anxiety and panic attacks. Even after the diagnosis I still felt like they were missing something and made many more trips to the er with the same diagnosis. I had tingling in my head, arms, heaviness in all my extremities and the constant dizzy feeling. I was still convinced that something major was wrong and all the drs were missing it. Eventually I just convinced myself and accepted that it was anxiety. For about 6 years - 7 years I dealt with it. Then recently I experienced some chest pains while exercising and my cycle has started back up. I feel like something horrible is going to happen to me. I went to my dr and he increased my meds, did an ekg and bloodwork, all of which came back fine. Me, still not convinced.

Anyway, after all of my rambling about what I've been through, my point is just to let you know that you are not alone. It will pass and you will learn how to get over it and/or live with it. I myself am still working on this with my current issues, but I know that I too will get past this.

Good luck to you.