View Full Version : Does this happen to you too?

08-05-2012, 10:21 AM
My dad noticed that I was sleeping with two pillows (which he doesn't like because he thinks my head is too high) and He came and took one. He told me that I was sweating A LOT. He also told me I woke up when he took the pillow, and kissed him goodnight again. But I dont remember any of this! And when I woke up, I wasn't sweating at all.

Any thoughts? Ideas?

08-05-2012, 11:28 AM
I think you have a case of...

IwasSweatyDuringTheNightButNotInTheMorning.. itus

08-05-2012, 11:31 AM
When we're woken briefly during the night, we're so out of it that often we don't remember any of it.

Nothing to worry about at all.

However, the sweating (if it's true) won't help a good nights kip... get too hot and the mind & body reacts (wakes up, basically).

Keep your room nice and aired. Use a fan if need be... I find the breeze somewhat soothing.

08-05-2012, 11:42 AM
IwasSweatyDuringTheNightButNotInTheMorning.. itus? DAMN! I NEED TO CALL 911 NOW!

Hahah Thanks for the reply dazza

08-06-2012, 07:11 AM
bahaahahhaa!! Do they have a forum for this??...LOL!

E-Man. :)