View Full Version : Feeling panicked all the time

08-05-2012, 10:05 AM
Hi all,
I'm new here so sorry if this isn't formatted correctly. Lately (for the past week or so) I feel like I'm stuck in a constant state of panic. As soon as I wake up, I feel adrenaline rushes in my heart and they last all day. Because of this, I'm having a very hard time sleeping and eating. I have been diagnosed with GAD in the past but I don't think I've ever felt panic like this/for this long. I have resorted to taking 0.5mg of Ativan throughout the day, but even that doesn't seem to help. Could it be I'm experiencing something else? Anyone ever have a similar experience? Thanks.

08-05-2012, 12:03 PM
Hello there ,I have the same sort of thing I've been diagnosed with GAD and I have a really bad time with worry wake up stupid o clock the morning and just panic over everything mostly to do with work ,it's all uncontrolled worry and panic aswell it all related to work mostly I panic all the time very bad anxiety .

08-05-2012, 02:07 PM
Hi Rachelm:

Most probably you are deficient on vitamin D3.
You should have the level of this vitamin in your blood tested as
soon as possible.

For more information, please read my Thread ' The Cure ?" at the depression Forum.

Best wishes,

08-05-2012, 03:55 PM
Lorazepam probably isnt the "BEST" choice for those that have high anxiety, panic, and live in a constant (adrenal overload=fight or flight response)... Xanax is a much better suited chemical structure to combat this issue and also if you BP is high, then insist that you be placed on (beta-blockers) to STOP THE POUNDING HEART... Just some thoughts..


08-05-2012, 03:59 PM
Thank you for responding. What if my BP is good? My heart rate seems normal but I'm having a constant feeling of adrenaline...it's so hard to explain. It's driving me insane and I'm so afraid that no one will understand what I'm feeling.

08-05-2012, 04:10 PM
First off, I understand and so does everyone else here so no reason to feel odd in any way. The "living in a constant state of panic" is being sent via chemical messages and transmitters from of course, your mind. A couple things here to think about...
1. diet (sugars, caffeine, monster energy drinks, ciggs, junk food)..to name a few will FUEL this fire.
2. chronic stress inputs (environmental challenge, nervousness, anger, jealousy, hatred, judging others, yadda yadda will all FUEL this fire.
3. lack of sleep ( is like throwing jet FUEL on this fire)
4. relationship issues (big barn burners)

You must sit down with pen and paper and see what the "stress inputs actually are" because your own thoughts are keeping you in the state of readiness for an attack from whatever, a bear, a tiger, a goldfish..your body doesnt analyze nor understand WHAT the actual threat is..only YOU do. It perceives EVERYTHING the same way and it does matter the issue. It does not know..


08-05-2012, 04:35 PM
Thank you, you are very helpful. I have another question. I am going on vacation this Friday and I'm not sure I can survive it feeling this way (adrenaline, obsessive thoughts, etc.) I go to the Dr. on Tuesday...is there something specific I can ask for so that I can feel better for my trip?

08-05-2012, 04:53 PM
Yes, there is. Tell him/her that you wish to try a short acting benzodiazapine instead of a benzo used more in frequency with insomnia like youre takin. Trade off the loraz for xanax and ask for .25 mg as needed, up to 4 times a day. ALSO, you must know if your BP is higher then 120/80 and your heart is pounding over 80+ beats a min..Once you KNOW that may be the case, request to try atenolol (beta-blocker, safe, not deadly, slows POUNDING heart, hides and masks the physical manifestions of PANIC so no one can visually SEE THEM, ONLY YOU WILL FEEL THEM).. Next, if your Dr. thinks that maybe there is some underlying depression issues then start out with one of the 1st primary compounds synthesized by Eli Lilly but now in generic form (fluoxetine).. also, go the the nutritional supplement supply store and pick up some siberian ginseng (adaptogen) which is a natural herb and will not contraindicate with any of the above. REMEMBER, it is what your brain is putting in, that your body is putting out... Just some thoughts. START WRITING!.. What is making you feel like a 'ticking time bomb'????....You will find the answer, trust me its there.. Best wishes and ENJOY the vacation! :)


08-06-2012, 02:17 PM
Today was one of my worst days by far. I have spent the entire day thus far feeling panicked with a racing heart and adrenaline rushes that won't quit. I'm afraid I'm going to feel like this forever. Panic attacks are only supposed to last 10-30 minutes...I've been feeling this way for a week straight now. No amount of Ativan seems to be helping with my heart feeling this way. I haven't taken my blood pressure, but I'm afraid the dr won't give me a beta blocker :-( I wish I could feel normal again...

08-06-2012, 02:42 PM
Also, lately I haven't felt like myself. I have felt very detached...like the world is carrying on around me if that makes sense? Is this a sign of anxiety/panic or have I really lost it?

08-06-2012, 02:45 PM
Also, lately I haven't felt like myself. I have felt very detached...like the world is carrying on around me if that makes sense? Is this a sign of anxiety/panic or have I really lost it?

This is called Derealization/Depersonalization and it is a very common symptom of anxiety. Nothing to worry about, it will go away soon.

08-06-2012, 05:34 PM
Gotta get a grip, and get this under control ASAP. When do you return to the Dr. and also if your heart is pounding like you say it is, then a (beta-blocker) isnt going to raise any BIG RED FLAGS with any professional Doc. If you have taken the time to write down some of these thoughts that are keeping your "adrenal systems" in OVERDRIVE THEN PLEASE SHARE THEM HERE so we can understand whats going on, and help you to understand that it is your "Main Control Board" sending these error codes to your glands and keeping them in "OMGAWD our Village is being taken over by Vikings!"....Total anialation....but it really isnt...Please reply..


08-06-2012, 05:51 PM
What I have written down is that this feeling seems like it is going to last forever. I started panicking when I noticed these feelings in my heart. Not necessarily a palpitation, but almost constant adrenaline surges (like when you are startled). When I try to fall asleep, I often jerk awake with an adrenaline surge. I'm worried my heart will never feel the same and I'm going to have to live with this excessive adrenaline forever. I mean, this is happening all day, dozens of times per hour. Any time I check my pulse it is between 80-90 bpm. If I could just get these adrenaline surges under control, I think it would help me feel better but I don't know how to make them stop :-(

08-06-2012, 05:59 PM
Dear Rachelm23,

Answer the questions above please. The information you are providing me with can not be processed and put into order to give you what it is that you are seeking,,some helpful and quite possibly immediate and free advice and suggestions for gettin this under your control ASAP!..Sorry to be so blunt, but my middle name is "blunt force trauma" Man....I can not help you, if you can not provide me with real, viable, logical, rational, input...NO, I'm not being mean, I'm being kind because I hope for your quick success too!

E-Man. :)

08-06-2012, 06:08 PM
I apologize, I'm just so scared I can't think straight. I guess I have convinced myself that this is some terrible medical issue that will never get solved, which in turn triggers my anxiety. I find it hard to focus on anything else; I have obsessive thoughts that the adrenaline/feelings in my heart will never go away. I also have a hard time trusting doctors and fear the doctor isn't going to listen to me tomorrow. Does this help explain it a little better?

08-06-2012, 06:15 PM
No Rachel, it really does not. You are quite honestly jumping all over the boards here, and if you go into this Dr's visit tomorrow feeling all "scatter-brained" and going from one subject to another then we will accomplish 0 and you will get 0 relief. Take a few minutes, drink an entire glass of ice water, turn off the cell phone, home phone, radio, tv, tell the dog to stfu, and ask the kids or your significant other that you need 30 mins alone with no interuption. I MUST HEAR THE FACTS, in order to help you to formulate, write, set-up, plan, THE PERFECT DR'S VISIT TOMORROW...PLEASE!!! Delete all useless and irrational thoughts from yer mind, I know you can do this, because you have no other choice if you wish to be well ASAP... I will return here in 20 mins, FACTS ONLY PLEASE. Then we go from there...to find your resolution. OK?


08-06-2012, 06:29 PM
Ok :-) I am going to sit down and write the facts out as best as I can. I may not be done in 20 minutes when you're back, but I sure hope you'll be here when I'm done :-) you are extremely helpful.

08-06-2012, 06:30 PM
Hi Rachelm23,
First off I want to assure you that you are going to be ok one day. I suffered from panic attacks 9 years ago and have not had any in 6 years. So you will be free of them oneday. It takes a lot of work on your part but you can do it! Keep looking for a good doctor if you dont like the one you have. Try to find one that specializes in panic and anxiety. It took me a year or so to find a doctor who really helped me.
I got that detached feeling as well and also thought I was losing it, but you are not. Hang in there :) There is peace at the end of the tunnel! PS. Make sure you find a friend, family member or someone you can confide in and call when you are going through a bad panic attack, the support reallly helps.

08-06-2012, 06:47 PM
Excellent advice Trave! Rachels D day is tomorrow minus 10 hours..she will have the "exact protocol" to follow when she arrives to present this "Battle of Rachelm23"...Tomorrow is going to be a great day for our forum friend! We will ALL make this happen for our struggleing comrade. I know it. I'm here, and so are many others whenever youre ready.


08-06-2012, 06:53 PM
Thanks guys. Ugh, E-man I'm having trouble writing this all down. If its not too much trouble, could you ask me some questions? I guess I'm just having trouble sorting through my head. I feel like I'm troubling you so much!

08-06-2012, 07:31 PM
S**t, this is the easy part! Yer not troubleing me, you're taking initiative to help yourself which in turn provides me with a sense of accomplishment and acheivement..This is my next challenge, I can handle it.
1. Anxiety in your mind? Type the 5 most dreaded thoughts that bare you down.
2. Diet? Clean, dirty, junk, addiction to certain foods or drinks?...Type them.
3. Kids?..ages, personality, behaviors?
4. Job? Profession?...Like, dislike, could be better?
6. Stress inputs?..TV, family, finance, friends?
7. Age, height, weight, level of activity, interest, hobbies?..
8. Present diagnosed condition? List all medications please?

That's it. Focus..Thats all I need.. YOU GOT THIS!


08-06-2012, 08:50 PM
Sorry it's taking me so long to respond! I'll be home in a few minutes and post my responses. Thank you so much, by the way.

08-06-2012, 09:07 PM
Its quite fine, I just returned in fact as my 16 YEAR OLD DAWWWWDERRRRR who is practicing driving wanted to go "cruising"...yay? LOL! I too was 16 once, but wasnt practicing driving I was perfecting other skills that taught me hard lessons.. LMAO!.... I havent failed since. YIPPEE! 26 years of being off of the "radars of dread, despair, and desperation"....hehe!


08-06-2012, 09:16 PM
1. the 5 thoughts that currently plague me: 1. will I ever be normal again? 2. is there something wrong with my heart/adrenaline? 3. I am slowly going insane and will never be who I once was. 4. I fear no one is going to be able to help me, specifically my symptom of adrenaline/heart racing. 5. No one is ever going to want to be around me if I stay like this.
2. My diet is not very good; I eat out often. I don't really eat fruits or vegetables and I'd rather grab something quick than make a balanced meal :-| I recently cut out all caffeine.
3. No kids.
4. I work as a caregiver during the day, and clean offices at night. I am also a student. I like my jobs, just don't like the busy schedule.
5. My major worry is that the panic feeling I've been feeling lately is never going to go away. I'm afraid the adrenaline rushes will be a part of my life forever.
6. I'd say family and money really stress me out the most.
7. I'm in my early 20's. 5'4" and around 130 lbs. I'm not very active at all. the only real exercise I get is cleaning the offices.
8. I'm taking Ativan here and there when I feel most stressed but it doesn't seem to calm me. It just makes me tired and nervous, and the adrenaline rushes dont go away. I also take 3-6 mg of Melatonin at night to try and sleep better. I have been diagnosed with GAD in the past, but never have had panic attacks this severe that I can remember.

Edit: forgot to add that I took my BP tonight and it was 107/78. My pulse was about 80. Not sure if this is good news.

Again, thanks so much. Just being on this forum makes it just a little easier to get through the day.

08-06-2012, 10:25 PM
OK! Got what we needed right there..The answers are in the post. Great job!!. Here we go yay!
1. Yes, you will be normal again. Very quickly..yer not going insane, you are "building the perfect environment" for the racing heart, and adrenaline yourself. Here's why..
2. Diet is of the utmost importance here. Your dietary intake is terrible which makes the positive physical output..terrible. Eat junk, high carb, high bad fat, TFA's, and man it taste good but, the SODIUM content is causing your heart to feel like its pounding out of your chest. A suggested daily sodium intake of an "average" person is (2000mgs or less per day). It only takes (250 mg of sodium per day to sustain an "average" humans life.. One fast food meal, 2000mg sodium+++.. High sodium diets also cause fluid (retention)..Fluid retention on this grand of a scale, in your case..means= You are NOT flushing out "toxins" or substances that are foreign or harmful to your body. You're retaining "the toxic waste"..
3. No reason to cut out all caffeine, as it is actually a beneficial stimulant and does more good then harm..when used in "moderation". It helps to maintain an appropriate "metabolism"...Cutting it all out is not good as your mind AND body will go through withdrawel symptoms like a prescribed pharmaceutical..Drink coffee, green tea (which actually has a chemical in it called L-theanine that actually promotes a sense of relaxation from everyday OVERWORK and fatigue). You, OVERWORK yourself both mind and body. I now understand why you feel like you do, but we're not done yet.
4. The (amount of psychological and physical stresses and demands you are placing upon yourself) play a VERY vital role in this "my heart wont stop beating the s**t outta me syndrome".. It thinks, it is always time to work. Your systems are overloaded with food of little nutritional value, vitamins, amino acids, or the ESSENTIAL chemicals needed to support "a healthy lifestyle in peace". Your internal systems are being forced to live in "chronic overload" just like your mind is in "chronic overload".. You can not relax....because your internal organs, glands, are being forced to meet a demand that your brain is sending it...plus again, its also a "toxic" environment in there that you can not see but you feel.. The body is giving you hints and clues, you just put them into words.
5. The "adrenaline rushes" are being self-created by diet, work, vitamin nutrient deficiency, dehydration..everything you're putting into your body, is providing you with this response of horror because thats how it is functioning..like a car with square wheels, not a real smooth ride. Buckle yer seatbelt!
6. Family and money are 2 of the most common stressors of any normal person, unless you're Bill Gates or Steve jobs or Mitt Romney...but they all have issues of their own too, even with all that $$$.. People without $$$ fret without it, People with money fret about it... Double-edged sword. True...
7. Height, fine. Weight, fine. You do have physical activity of course so thats good, you just have to much of it.
8. The lorazepam itself is actually having a (paradoxical effect) on you. IT is also feeding this fire, it itself may be one of the biggest causes of your "adrenaline surges" and this is quite common with this benzo in particular..Ditch it. Ask for xanax instead..this part is a MUST. No question about this one..Demand it.
9. If my memory recalls, the "average" human only produces around 1 to 2 mg of melatonin itself. ( I may be wrong on that estimate). This is a HORMONE=vital to the balance of the entire HORMONAL systems. This is also a huge contributor to your troubles also. If you intake a HORMONE in excess of what the bodys "natural rhythm" is, then it stalls out, short circuits, causes malfunction, in all the other "adrenal systems" regulatory output. It will cause to much of 1 steroid hormone to be made in excess of the bodys needs, and therefore the after effects are shortages of hormonal steroidal output of others like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA... In fact, 3mg or more can CAUSE excitability, irritation, agitation because it "throws the circadian rhythm" WAY off...The way the body loops, functions...normally. (homeostasis)=balance..
10. BP is A ok, pulse is fine to a tad high, but I hope you can see why now???....

There, that wasnt to bad now was it?...You are FIXABLE. Also, very quickly too...a blessed young lady in way better shape then you even know but its being suppressed by YOURSELF..YOU ARE TRULY IN CONTROL HERE!! CONTROL=POWER!

Dr's visit tomorrow:
1. Lorazepam out....xanax in.
2. Request an anti-histamine used for insomnia called hydroxzl..its certrizine (zrytec) without the sedation removed.
3. Add caffeine back in..just limit simple sugars, and try to avoid "manmade" sugar substitutes too...Look into stevia for sweetener.
4. Quite eating garbage (if you really want your life back) and pack a lunch, dinner, good nutritional value foods.
5. Get some siberian ginseng (adaptogen)=it will modify its needs according to your body. Used for 1000's of years..safe, not toxic. (happy energy, not holy s**t I'm freaking the fluck out energy).
6. Green tea!! You'll be amazed...
7. STOP THE MELATONIN INTAKE! You're messin up the "hormonal balance and understanding" of your own systems..
8. I have 3 FRIGGIN KIDS 21, 16, 14, and a 2 year old grandson!! (enjoy the peace and tranquility that you dont even know you have!)..LOL!

You, just fixed you...It wasn't as hard as you thought, nor I either...I JUST CANT TYPE WORTH A S**T!! Will 22 words a minute land me that great secretarial position????....NO!... I'd rather chisel on a stone tablet, faster for Vikings...LMAO!

Any questions RachelM23??????......

Kindest regards and good to go!

Enduronman. :)

08-07-2012, 08:12 AM
Thanks so much. I am trying to be positive but it's so hard. The doc didn't want to give me Xanax...instead she gave me klonopin and told me to take it in the morning and at night. She also did a blood test to rule out hyperthyroid but I won't know those results until tomorrow. She didn't want to give me anything else until she figures out why my heart is racing all the time. She said if my thyroid is good, she will probably put me on Celexa and refer me to counseling.

Not sure what to think right now...just wanting to feel better so bad.

08-07-2012, 09:23 AM
OK then..this is STILL progress if you review all the other words as typed out above and implement some (preferably all) of these suggestions! ...

(NOTE: My oldest daughter went to our family Dr's office at one point and MY Dr. was out for the day so we saw an alternate physician, a female. She ALSO refused to prescribe my daughter the xanax and wrote her a scrip for the klonopin..OF WHICH I posted a reply to a thread in the "medications" section lastnight about klonopin and what it did to my daughter...Please read it. Reason I'm typing this is because I LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHY CERTAIN DR'S PUSH KLONOPIN OVER XANAX WHEN THEYRE BOTH BENZODIAZAPINES IN THE SAME CLASS AND YOU MUST HAVE THE SAME CREDENTIALS TO WRITE 'EITHER OR'... Can you do 1 thing for me????? I must know this reason! WHY DID YOUR DR CHOOSE KLONOPIN OVER XANAX????? Why?....Because if you read above again, I believe that the klonopin is causing a "PARADOXICAL EFFECT" on you...this is common, with this ONLY ONE benzo)....If it looks like I am now being dramatic by my typing, punctuation, and capital letters then it is because I am...Please GET this 1 answer for me, and you both ASAP... Call the Dr's office to inquire..

I suspect your thyroid function to be in the normal ranges, it is the total accumulated summarization of all the items listed above+ duration + levels of intensity that = your symptoms.. They call me Papaw Intense, we gotta think of a name for you now too! LOL!!!...

Enduronman. :)

08-07-2012, 09:29 AM
Another thought before my fingers give out after a 16,000+ character reply to another fella is that "celexa is an anti-depressant medication...that is ALSO used as an anti-anxiety agent as well"...HMMMMM,.. It is $4 a month, I suppose that part of this equation is a good alternative option that is worth trying...I JUST DONT COMPREHEND THE BENZO ORDEAL!!! LOL!

E-Man.. :)

08-07-2012, 11:33 AM
Well, her reasoning for prescribing klonopin over Xanax was that klonopin has a longer effect and doesn't have to be taken as often during the day. She says she doesn't prescribe xanax due to its addictive properties...idk. I'm going to give the klonopin a try and hope for the best. She also set me up with some counseling so we will see.

08-07-2012, 03:44 PM
Thank you for asking her that question. However, the answer literally makes no logical, rational, or reasonable sense. The klonopin and xanax BOTH are in the exact same class of benzodiazapines. They are BOTH equally as addicting chemically, no difference there. The xanax is faster acting/shorter half-life=take another pill in 3 hours (SO WHAT!)....The klonopin is slower acting/longer half-life=take less pills BUT!!!!!! KLONOPIN is the only one of these 2 choices, in the exact same class, that has a higher probability, of DOING JUST THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO DO!!! I've read ALL of your post, for DAYS!!! While taking klonopin!!! While STILL complaining of A RACING HEART, HYPER-ACTIVITY, INABILITY TO SLEEP!!!! hence.. The klonopin is producing (PARADOXICAL REACTION IN YOU!!)...What part of THAT did your friggin DR not understand???? The klonopin is not helping you, and hasnt since I started LEARNING HOW TO TYPE ON THIS FORUM! I'm not mad, upset, or angered with anyone here EXCEPT your freakin DR for not gettin the flucking point!!! (sigh).

I feel defeated, I however do not want to make this situation worse for you and wish you great health and a quicker recovery at THE SPEED OF SOUND but that opportunity has been thwarted by your own physician....thats what pisses me off. We wouldv'e already been, where you have so desperately tried to get too....

LAST CHANCE: Figure out how to say to your DR that the current scrip of klonopin is not, has not, provided you with any sense of relief thus far and that you would request her to approve an opportunity to TRY the xanax instead as the klonopin is reacting in JUST THE OPPOSITE MANNER THAT IT IS SUPPOSED TOO and making your heart race, pound, agitated, upset, restless, and every other f**kin thing that it is supposed to "suppress"....We demand a medication that actually f**kin works!!! Not one that doesnt work and is ================= as addictive anyway!!...PLEASE TRY.. I have not hunted a person down in awhile...hmmm...grrrr...just kidding!!! If she wont listen to FACTUAL REASON then go to someone that WILL LISTEN TO YOU. Just remember 1 word...

((((((PARADOXICAL EFFECT AND REACTION IN YOU))))))))...... s**t thats 6 words.. memorize them and go get what you really NEED.

F**k she may has well prescribed a Flintstones multi vitamin too, we'd get the same result! LOL!

A very frustrated Enduronman. :(

08-10-2012, 02:07 PM
YES! the "detached" feeling is extremely common with anxiety. it can be one of the most uncomfortable/scary too! do not be afraid - you are not going insane. your mind is trying to tell you that it's completely fatigued. this is what happens to our brains when we have constant, obsessive thoughts. in short, when we focus on nothing but "am i dying!?!?", the brain becomes exhausted, this is why we feel "detached". your body is telling you "i'm afraid!" and its responding proportionately! try not to ignore your racing heart and detached feelings, try rather to welcome them and carry on with your day. you may find that the anxiety begins to lose it's power. this technique really helped me! let me know i can help further. good luck!

08-11-2012, 06:43 AM
If diet is SO influential then how come you get gigantic, obese whales of human beings that eat nothing but crap... yet are as happy & as calm as a big, fat, happy and calm thing?

Sure, being as big as a hippo is likely to create health issues at some point but I'm not overly convinced it is such a major factor with all these panic symptoms. Certainly not in a physical way anyhow. (Mentally yes... since we sometimes feel guilty about having necked 10 lbs of ghee-sodden kebab meat the night before so it is advised that anxiety sufferes deal with this guilt as best they can)

As much as I agree that diet and exercise are vital to a sustained, healthy existance, I am also a firm believer that the human body is VERY strong.
It can take a LOT of abuse before something gives.

My money is all on a mental state & the deep-set fears therewith.

Sometimes you gotta dig real deep to find these fears and, once found - be HONEST with yourself about them.

Take a personal example:

My previous relationship was pretty shitty. We weren't suited at all and I have some very unsavoury memories of it and vividly recall how god-awful it made me feel on all-too-many occasions.

Now... a relatively mild argument with my current partner can promote some mid to high anxiety & fears, I note... not because of the argument itself or the content thereof, but because of the fear that this relationship will turn out the same and that the same god-awful feelings (e.g. trapped, unhappy, unfulfilled, etc.) will re-emerge.

Relationships are high up on the anxiety score-board if you ask me. VERY high.

Anyhow... you catch my anxious drift.

08-11-2012, 07:11 AM
If diet is SO influential then how come you get gigantic, obese whales of human beings that eat nothing but crap... yet are as happy & as calm as a big, fat, happy and calm thing?

But how do we know that? In private they may be as panicked as the lot of us. I know I tend to hide it very well. Usually my wife knows something is wrong but how quiet I am. But no one else would ever guess unless I said something.