View Full Version : How can I move on with my life?

08-05-2012, 02:29 AM
First got anxiety when I was in year 3 (7 years old). Now i am 15. My main fear has always been being ill. I spent a fair bit of time in the school medical room during primary school, even though generally I was/am a healthy person. It all came quite suddenly, and I don't think there was a trigger, no major illness or anything.

I then went on to develop a fairly mild case of hypochondria, which I still have. For example, about twice a day I think my vision is going fuzzy, like the start of a migraine, even though I haven't had many migraines. They very rarely turn in to anything, it's just my slightly dodgy vision.

My anxiety gets worse when I am on holiday abroad, or if I am isolated from my friends. You see this is where I'm different to lots of anxiety sufferers, because for me, being with other people (who aren't my close family) helps. I rarely get anxiety at school nowadays, because my friends see me as a funny, confident person, so I feel I have to maintain that, which is good. They also help bring a sense of normality to me.

But now it's the summer holidays, where I spend a lot of time alone, which means I have more time to worry. When I worry, I get butterflies, like before a big exam or something, and I fidget with my hands and feel all round more hot and restless. The worst times are if I am actually ill and I worry about being sick, my greatest fear.

I'd like to finally burst the anxiety bubble in my head, I've just never mastered how. I think lately in the last couple of years, my anxiety has been mild, so my parents have never taken me to a doctor,so I would just like some self-help tips, and empathy. Thanks.

08-05-2012, 05:49 AM
Find a counsellor who has a good reputation. I discovered my current one after 5 attempts and 6 years of feeling ill. He has changed my outlook on life completely and that was only after 5 sessions. He's expensive at £ 40 an hour but you can't put a price on your health and happiness! Hope that helps?

Good luck.

08-05-2012, 07:18 AM
Have yer parents take you a a trusted Dr and have an evaluation performed please. You may just find out that you're hovering around in the ADD, ADHD areas quite often and dont even know..GO TO DR>>>ASAP...
