View Full Version : am i alright?

08-04-2012, 09:12 PM
Hello everybody!
I'm not even going to bother modifying this post to be more interesting because I'm pretty sure every post is the exact same lol. "is this normal", "what's going on", "any tips" etc are probably commonly used phrases. I'm just looking for someone that can relate a little. I was at school far away from home in a small town and developed GAD towards the end, have had it since March of this year. Meditate daily, taking vit B complex and on 10 mg Cipralex till middle of september. Overall I feel a massive decrease in overall anxiety. Hardly ever worry about being sick or anything major.

What's upsetting me now is just that the main symptom I've had since this developed is an almost paralyzed feeling in my thought process. I will do my best to explain this.
- regular thought, not anxious
- realizing im not paying attention to the thought i will quickly analyze every single feeling i get and the thought itself
- this results in the thought feeling wrong, i feel unlike myself
- On top, just analyze every single feeling I get.
- feel like i can't think, almost at all. and i just want to BE.

It's frustrating but tolerable. I want to love my life. I want to feel like I can think freely without second guessing.

It's odd because I don't have ANY anxiety about life anymore. It's all about my thoughts and feelings. Lol, such a crazy disorder!

Love and thanks for the help.

08-04-2012, 09:15 PM
Completely normal... I got cold and started shivering, and I started freaking out thinking something bad was going to happen.. It's not until that feeling is over until you realize that the feeling was something normal.

08-04-2012, 09:19 PM
Thanks for responding so quickly!

My dad has worked with kids that have had GAD and the like, who have recovered and afterwards would come back and say that nothing was wrong the whole time. They look back and can recognize that. Which is wicked:)

Do you have any suggestions on how to look past this? Because even when I'm just walking down the street I'll be living in expectation of every single thought lol.

08-04-2012, 09:39 PM
Just try to do something to get your mind off of what anxiety is making you think. Listen to music and say the lyrics in your head, or something of that nature.

08-04-2012, 09:55 PM
awesome advice:) thank you!

08-05-2012, 08:14 AM
