View Full Version : Important information! you'll never believe what I just found out!

08-04-2012, 06:54 PM
Some of you may know this already, but lying about anything can release stress hormones. These hormones just happen to be the ones that trigger your fight or flight response.. Now i know what caused my anxiety disorder.. I'm a compulsive liar. With me being 15 this is pretty much normal. But nobody in my immediate family has anxiety disorder or panic disorder. But WOW! I used to lie all day, every day. To me, lying made me feel like I could get away with anything.. Hey, it even made a me a couple hundred bucks. But i guess its bad for you in the long run! So If you're a liar, STOP. Lying causes a change in blood pressure, eventually you could get congestive heart failure, stroke, heart attacks etc.. Just from lying..

08-05-2012, 07:36 AM
Stress hormone=cortisol.. Theres ANOTHER part of your condition, that you are creating. FIX IT!
