View Full Version : Heat!

08-04-2012, 12:31 AM
K so lately I find that if it's really hot outside, my anxiety increases and I can begin to panic. Maybe it's due to not enough fluid and dehydration ? But I go for walks and now I avoid the really hot wether and wait to walk when it's cooler at night.. Does anyone experience this to?

08-04-2012, 12:40 AM
oh yes! I experienced this to the max! I was in asia, which as you know is hot and humid.. I felt like I was choking on hot air.. but at night, it cools down a little bit.. but its still humid, so it was still hard to breathe, but as soon as i stepped into a building that was air conditioned, I felt so much better.. I could actually breathe..

08-04-2012, 12:57 AM
Thanks for the reply

08-05-2012, 10:13 AM
Yes. It's harder to breathe when it's hot out,so if your exercising obviously it's harder to catch your breath which feels similar to anxiety. And being even a little dehydrated can make you feel weird. I still go out when it's this hot,I just drink a lot of water bottles and take breaks.

08-05-2012, 04:19 PM
Yes, true. Which is why I ALWAYS carry around a styrofoam cup full of ice water. Drinking ice water can, will, and does lower your bodys internal core temperature. BUT, it is not panic that youre actually experiencing, it is the relationship between panic attacks of hot flashes, and feeling hot physically. These are 2 entirely different things, yet your brain connects it to an actual "panic attack'...Get it???...:)


08-05-2012, 09:23 PM
The heat really gets me freaking out. I hate going outside in the heat and it sets of a panic attack every time. Can't wait for cooler weather!

08-05-2012, 09:53 PM
It is not a real panic attack, it is what your brain perceives as being an actual panic attack. Get a 32oz cup, pack it with ice, fill it with water, put a lid on it and take it everywhere you go when its hot out!..You'll notice that this cup becomes multi-functional too other then just cooling your systems..it becomes a tool to use as a diversion when you need it, but I want you to figure this one out on your own.You'll see.. Please just try it. All I've studied is mechanical everything, and people for over 40 yrs so its really all i'm useful for!!!...LOL!


08-06-2012, 05:17 AM
I totally agree with Enduronman here. It's not he heat that causes the anxiety as such it's the connection your brain makes to feeling too hot. Like if you start to feel hot (which is normal when it's a hot day) you associate that with feelings of panic as often when we panic we sweat and feel too hot regardless of the temperature in our environment. I also used to find that exercise would make me panic- but it wasn't the exercise it was the increased heart rate and sweating that goes along with exercise that would make me feel like I was having a panic attack. I think it helped me to look at things more logically and re-train my brain into thinking more rationally. I would get too hot and start to freak out but then assess the situation sensibly- ie. no wonder I am too hot, it's 20 degrees outside and I am wearing jeans and a jumper, time to relax and realise that it's ok and not the start of a panic attack.

08-06-2012, 05:25 AM
BINGO!!! This one is fact Buttercup.. Have a great day to you!

Enduronman. :)

08-06-2012, 07:23 PM
Great advice! I too feel as though I have anxiety when it is really hot out. I am definetly going to try the ice water suggestion! My first sign of an attack is that I start feeling too hot even if I am in air conditioning. This makes sense now! Thanks so much.