View Full Version : reading into a little twinge?!?

08-03-2012, 11:21 PM
So I think/ know that 95% of my anxiety is reading way way WAY to much into just a little feeling in my body. Whether it be in my arm, chest, head, leg exc .. my question is, does this ever stinking go away? What has worked for you? How in the world do you not focus on this silly silly thing?? My er bills are getting outrageous and its just plain embarrassing to feel this way!! Am I the only one like this??

08-03-2012, 11:23 PM
Just dont google anything. If you've already been to the E.R a lot and they say you're healthy, you need to learn to accept it! I also have this problem, but you just need to relax. Do other things to keep your mind off of your conditions.

08-03-2012, 11:27 PM
Yeah and I have gotten better....when I'm told my heart and ekg's and stress test look good I just remind myself of that, but I do this stupid thing that I work myself into a panic thinking "no I think this is the real deal this time " and I just do not know how to knock it off! ! ^_^

08-03-2012, 11:29 PM
And I learned years ago not to Google and web MD anything ...but unfortunately I work in the medical field in a hospital so I see and hear things all to much!

08-04-2012, 02:08 AM

I WAS doing this during the beginning of my anx' disorder. I related EVERY pain, twinge & sensation to my heart and there was no way I could think otherwise.

Two things you need to ram home (seriously... i mean really ram home):

1/ Your brain has somewhat malfunctioned (for the time being). It has been saturated with the fear emotion (overriding happiness, rationality and all other things good) and it can pretty much ONLY think this way... for now. OK?
(No arguments, questioning or doubt... this IS FACT and not some gobble-dee-gook I'm making up just for the sake of writing something)

2/ Your malfunctioned brain in it's near constant, fearful state, is frequently emitting fear messages to your body which more often than not are the frickin' cause of the offending twinges in the first place (the devils game of chicken and egg)

Please, please... PLEASE... double layer of please with a cherry on top... try to remember the above 2 most profound facts of anxiety disorder - they are of paramount importance to you and your journey back to normality.