View Full Version : Anxiety at all time high today :(

08-03-2012, 01:47 PM
So, I just got married to a wonderful man and am so in love with him!!!! Before the wedding I decided that I would start weaning off of my Zoloft (50 mg) because we wanted to try for a baby. BAD IDEA. I did not wean off of it correctly and ended up with horrible results. The wedding was great, everyone had a good time and it was very special. Although I did have a lot of anxiety leading up to the wedding and am still having it. My doctor said that we need to build the zoloft back up into my system. So, I'm back to taking the 50 mg but she also said it could take up to 6 weeks before I start feeling normal again. I haven't been sleeping much, it's hard to fall asleep on my own and then wake up frequently. The anxiety is so bad at times I just want to curl up in a ball and cry. It sucks so bad. I'm supposed to be enjoying this time being a new bride. My doctor thinks the no sleeping is from the anxiety coming back or withdrawal symptoms or both. Has anyone else had this happen before? I just want to know that I will get better, I'm scared.

08-03-2012, 02:00 PM
uhhh..I may get punched, kicked, censored for typing the following statements but I am to the point. An answer NOW is what you seek. First off, not all Dr's have the ability or credentials or DEA certification to write all scrips if you did not know that. If you saw him/her and told them you're anxious, and can not sleep...and all you walked outta there with was friggin Zoloft then I know the problem. They can't prescribe what you really need NOW or they're go too many other things going on to take care of 1 patient at a time. You need something for sleep, and NOW. Doxylamine, diphenhydramine, melatonin..OTC's.. =sleep... Next, How LONG have you had this anxiety issue and also what makes your Dr. prescribe an anti-depressant?.. With no anti-anxiety medication to add in???...Sorry if i sound brash, but I can't see anyone on here so I try to learn as much as I can ASAP...Nice to meet you and congrats on the wedding too!


08-03-2012, 02:10 PM
HI! Thanks for responding so quickly. I have had anxiety on and off since I was a teenager. My doctor tried to prescribe me something for years and I refused to take it. Finally after I had my daughter, the stress and anxiety got really bad and I ended up with the insomnia, panic attacks and just general fear of life, which turned into depression. That's when I was prescribed the Zoloft and it really did wonders. It took a while but it definitely helped. Since then I hadn't had any episodes - and that's been 6 years ago. But I've never tried to stop taking the Zoloft either. So I think it was definitely bad timing on my part. Just when I probably needed it most I was taking way less. My doctor did give me trazadone to help me get some sleep, but also said to not take it every night so that I don't become dependent on it, which makes sense. I'm so tired, haven't slept normal in 3 weeks :( I hate this!!!!!!! Now I'm back to work and in the real world and just want to feel normal. I am so happy to be married and don't have anything to worry about other than this no sleeping thing and when will I get better??? I never should have tried to wean off, but I didn't realize it would have this impact on me. I take such a small dose but I guess it is still working, either that or the withdrawal symptoms are that bad. My husband has been very understanding and supportive. My daughter is a little sweetie pie and is helping me with lots of hugs and kisses. I just want normal sleep and my normal life back.

08-03-2012, 02:19 PM
Sleep deprivation is feeding this fire within...Go get all 3 of the suggested OTC's above. Try the (doxy) 1st, tonight...trazadone is probably tamazepam but not sure. It is a (benzo) I believe. Yer answer is already in your head!! SLEEP!!!... if not, it throws everything else outta wack too and its hard to get the body to "cycle" back again.. ALSO, have your BP checked too as that in itself can also be behind some of the "panic" symptoms. I think you can go anywhere and get that done for free...I will be around here until they pull the plug on me!! LOL! (The last forum I was on had Dr. Mods, they didnt like me tellin people the things I did because it was like a secret cult thing)...hahahhaaaaha!!


08-03-2012, 02:26 PM
The trazadone is a mild anti-depressant but also acts as a sedative. I've tried it once and it really did work for me but I still felt tired the next day like I really hadn't gotten a full night's sleep. But maybe I just need more sleep to get caught up?

08-03-2012, 02:31 PM
ahh, hangover effect. That is very common of new users of that class, yes its a sedative. IMO you would be way better off trying the OTC that I have mentioned as it supposedly (compares to an actual barbituate) in strengh but no risk of dependence.. Yes, more sleep would help but it won't fix it overnight as the body is already 3 weeks behind. MUST HAVE SLEEP NOW!..Sorry to be so blunt, but you have no choice. Also, please get BP checked too...


08-03-2012, 02:35 PM
why do you suggest getting blood pressure checked? and if it's high?

08-03-2012, 02:41 PM
High BP can be an underlying cause for the increased anxiety Mamawolf..If it is high, your sodium intake is high, your heart is racing to push blood through your viens, and if you're not a well hydrated person (all I drink is water) then there could be many side effects from these things all together.. If it is high, the Dr. surely wouldv'e taken note of that and you could just call them or go get it checked yourself. Also, if it is recognised as being high then the medication you would personally request would be called a "beta-blocker" because they're older, cheaper, safer, and they lower your heart rate=less panic=less anxiety=musicians drug of choice.. It "masks" the effects of panic attacks which generally include "hot flashes"...Get it???...:)
