View Full Version : Does marijuana increase anxiety and stuff like that?

08-03-2012, 11:37 AM
I don't smoke, but im just wondering. I friend told me that had helped him, but im not willing to try. I'm just wondering.

08-03-2012, 11:59 AM
Anxiety disorder is a dangerously easy disorder to develop if you ask me - especially in this day & age of work, money & self-perception related stress.

Most modern people are stressed & anxious already, and it only takes one particularly profound event to actually topple the apple-cart, so to speak.

Take me for example. It only took a short, sharp, shooting pain through my upper-left arm in December 2011 to start me off on a journey of anxious hell.
(I now recognise I was already anxious and sitting rather uncomfortably on a ticking time bomb)

Drugs, or the effect of, could quite easily do the same.

Needless to say drugs can also fuck you up in many other ways, too - but we already know about that.

08-03-2012, 12:37 PM
Havent smoked it in 25 years, but at that time...yes. It made me "overly-sensitive to everything" and real busy at work too...It can do just quite the opposite to others however, as this is either an up or a down just depending upon the individual..


08-03-2012, 02:53 PM
Marijuana was what triggered my first panic attack. I don't recommend it.

08-03-2012, 04:58 PM
Like was said weed can calm you or make you more anxious. I use to smoke and haven't took a hit in a year. But when I was smoking I never had anxiety. But since I don't smoke anymore I feel more anxious. Me and my boyfriend both decided to quit just for the hell of it. But now he is tellin me I should start again. I Don't have insurance for the doctor so I can't get meds and I have med anxiety anyway so I think weed is my best way to go . And it keeps the negative things in life out of my head. And also I've heard it all depends on the strain your smoking. I honestly feel that weed is healthier then the meds people are taking. And its very easy to quit unlike meds.

08-03-2012, 06:08 PM
Weed won't trigger anxiety but it will trigger panic attacks. Panic attacks can trigger anxiety. (though if you're having panic attacks often its probably because you have bad anxiety already)

Basically how this works is if you smoke too much and say you're having a bad day you might have a panic attack when too much is on your mind. Generally most people who smoke don't have any problems because they aren't anxious while smoking or have anxiety issues to begin with. If you ALREADY have anxiety I wouldn't smoke because you don't know how you will react to it and you could have a horrible experience, but it can also help you, its weird. If you don't have bad anxiety then by all means go ahead and try it out
In my case weed was fine for me but I did experience a panic attack at one point(about a year after I started smoking) which scared me and thus causing me to feel a little anxious when I smoked because I didn't want it to happen again. Along with other issues it just became too risky for me to smoke like I used to so I just take small hits every now and then when I'm feeling into it.

Weed can either help you or harm you depending on your mindset at the time and if you're an anxious person in general. Like I said it wont cause anxiety on its own, but you can cause a panic attack and worsen your own anxiety.
For me it was amazing for the first year but I over did it a few times and it caused me to react differently.

08-03-2012, 11:12 PM
I was a everyday smoker for many many years. Then once I had my first panic attack I could no longer smoke. Every time I smoked I'd panic. Some people it does wonders for others it will cause panic ....

jon mike
08-04-2012, 01:57 AM
Weed started my anxiety problems when I was 16. I'm
34 now and although I'm kinda sorted now I don't think the stuff is worth it x

jon mike
08-04-2012, 02:05 AM
The last time I smoked weed was when I was in my early 20s. I walked home and the world literally changed in front of my eyes. I did not know where I was, I looked around me and could not recognise where I was even though I was in my own neighbourhood, not only did I forget who I was I didn't even know what I was! It was a terrible shock to me, in my top ten scary anxiety events during my life.

08-04-2012, 02:14 AM
The last time I smoked weed was when I was in my early 20s. I walked home and the world literally changed in front of my eyes. I did not know where I was, I looked around me and could not recognise where I was even though I was in my own neighbourhood, not only did I forget who I was I didn't even know what I was! It was a terrible shock to me, in my top ten scary anxiety events during my life.

I've smoked it maybe 2 or 3 times, also in my earliy 20's.

I concur with your reaction, Jon. I found the experience fucking awful.
Ended up slumped over the toilet, vomiting hard & heart beating like nothing on earth.

Any more of the stuff and I would have ended up in A&E... or even dead.

Ugghhh... makes me shivver thinking about it.

jon mike
08-04-2012, 05:34 AM
Not touched it since dazza. Absolute nightmare. Its psychological effects are Very underestimated in my opinion. Give me a beer any day!