View Full Version : Not Coping! :(

08-03-2012, 09:22 AM
Here we go again. 2012 is becoming the worst year!! So far this year my panic disorder has worsened, my depression is back, and so are my frequent recurring UTI's! As I type this I have yet again another UTI. I've lost count how many I've had this year. This is beyond ridiculous! I've had kidney tests. They're all normal. I've had renal scans. They're all normal. Kidney function test - normal. Last week I had a procedure where they put a camera up the urethra into the bladder to look for causes of recurring UTI's. Guess what? It came back all normal! So WHY am I getting these recurring UTI's? I can't take it anymore. Right now my panic attacks have set it. I'm losing it. I just want to cry. I can't see an end to this and I don't want to live like this for the rest of my life!! I keep thinking that the only way I'll ever be over this is when I'm dead!! But I'm not ready to die now. I'm not going to do anything stupid. I know that. I just can't do this anymore!! No answers as to why this is all happening & no cure!! Just the same.... tests come back that I have e.coli bacterial infection. They give me antibiotics. I take them. Infection goes away. Wait a few weeks. It's back!!!! =( Where do I go from here? What do I do? I can't go on like this anymore? I'll see my psychologist again in 4 days time. What can she do??! I'm so alone!!!!!!!! :'(

08-03-2012, 12:25 PM
The answer to your overly frequent UTI's is in your diet..something that you eat or drink frequently and if you drink 0 water then that alone can cause them..As far as the panic and depression, how do you deal with those issues?.. Medications, therapy, excercise, if I may ask?...


08-03-2012, 03:15 PM
You should try to eat healthy and exercise. This will strenght your immune system and will be way harder for you to catch something.

jon mike
08-04-2012, 05:39 AM
I agree. Healthy exercise and a good diet is an all round winner with anxiety-panic

08-04-2012, 10:11 AM
I'm doing all that. Healthy diet. Exercise. No sugar. I drink 3 liters of water a day. I don't drink soda. I'm at the end of my mind now! I do everything my dr tells me to! My sugar levels are all under control. I take my insulin when I am supposed too. I take my cranberry tablets every day without fail.
As for my anxiety, I'm taking my Dothep and Valium. I'm seeing my psychiatrist. I'm doing all the exercises and time out suggestions she gives me. But the minute I feel any type of illness or abnormal feeling come on, I lose it!! I'm trying to do everything in my power to distract myself so I won't over think my symptoms. I'm trying to think positive, but I just can't see a light at the end of the tunnel. When's this all going to stop?!!!!
My latest thinking is that I think I might go see a naturopath now. Try to get to the cause of all this rather than just treat the symptoms. If that doesn't work.... I don't know!! :(

08-04-2012, 10:49 AM
What is a healthy diet? Every person is different. I have read articles that say eat plenty of whole grains etc. However if you are sensitive to wheat for instance, even all organic, whole grain wheat in your diet may cause your anxiety. With diet one size does not fit all.

08-04-2012, 12:58 PM
I cut all meat except for fish out of my diet as well as replacing dairy milk with almond milk. This has been an amazing change for my body and mind. Every day I drink a smoothie with a scoop of protein powder and whatever fruits and veggies I feel like. My anxiety has diminished amazingly. I feel like I am loving myself and my body and this has replaced many of my negative thoughts with positive ones. As for UTIs, i used suffer from these HORRIBLY. They run in my family for women. I haven't had one in almost 3 years now. Diet is very important as well as being really clean when it comes to sex. Pee BEFORE and AFTER sex. It's sometimes even necessary to stop using tampons. (sorry to get so personal but its true). Any sort is bacteria being pushed up in that area is no good. So remembering to always wash your hands before touching anything down there as well as wiping from front to back is important. Good luck to you, and try to stay positive !

08-05-2012, 08:27 AM
Dear Kalita,
It sounds like, just from what I've read here..That you're "over doing it" as you mentioned (sickness, illnesses, frequently)..You are breaking down your own immune systems and this is why you're getting these symptoms. ps, ditch the tablets and drink the real juice immediately for the UTI's..

Going to keep this part as short as possible. I was an avid weightlifter, perfection on the diet, strength, size, everything..BUT I was sick all the time. Looked like freakin Arnold Schwartenneggar but laid on the couch for 4 months (not all at once). I go to the Dr to ask WTF??? Look at me, I'm 40 years old and can squat 550 pounds and bench near 400 at 208 to 218 pounds, I eat like an athelete, train like a madman, and know my diet in and out..He said " your're eating TOO CLEAN because you are NOT subjecting yourself to other bacterias, germs, chemicals, that are in other foods. You body must have that to help keep the immune system in line"..."If you keep putting the SAME THING IN, then your body has no REASONS TO ADAPT TO CHANGING ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES"...I was making myself sick!!! But I sure looked good doing it!!!...He told me to eat junk 1 meal a week, whatever I wanted...Although I thought he was a nut, he was RIGHT ON TARGET!!! NO more sicknesses and I got bigger and stronger physically...and SO did my immune systems too... A few words (for what theyre worth)...


08-07-2012, 12:02 AM
Enduronman. That actually makes sense! I do spend a lot of time trying to eat perfectly, or disinfect everything!! I'm trying to find some kind of pattern to these UTI's. I was discussing it with my dr this morning. We came to the conclusion that cleaning the shower, in the nude, while having a shower, may not be such a bright idea!! Haha. She might be right though. I'm sure you'd find plenty of e.coli in a dirty shower. I dunno. It's beyond me now. But I think your idea about the cranberry juice is good. Instead of the tablets. Maybe the tablets r not breaking down in my system where I actually need them. Hmm. I shall experiment! Thanks.
Oh and yeah... my therapist tells me I'm doing way too much for others and not taking time out for me. She says I'm running myself into the ground. I'm trying to learn ways to take care of "me" for a change. It's harder than I thought!

08-07-2012, 12:24 AM
Thats great news to hear!! I can truly and honestly see the "running yourself into the ground" earlier on in these post. You're doing the SAME thing I already did, and it took its toll on my body for sure. You, I believe,..have the answer to your troubles summarized in 1 word (perfection).. Literally TOO perfect! Now, go and enjoy your favorite "real people food meal" one time this week and you will see quick results. I had NO idea how harmful "perfectionism" could actually be and how much it really cost...Best wishes Kalita!


PS: ditch tablets, drink juice...a better outcome will be acheived.

08-07-2012, 12:40 AM
I too suffer from reoccurring UTI's.. I know for me a lot of my UTI's are caused by sex. My UTI's get so bad that they turn into kidney infections and then kidney stones. Drink plenty of water and cranberry juice. The cranberry tablets don't help me. Try to stay away from carbonated beverages.

08-07-2012, 01:42 PM
Hi, I currently have yet another UTI, obsessing as to why I keep getting them. They started when I was pregnant, my son will be 3 in November! Have googled it galore and worried myself even more. If you've had a baby app it's because your bladder doesn't return to its normal shape, a u-bend effect is created which keeps collecting bacteria in the bent bit! TMI I know. Otherwise I've been told 'it's one of those things' I'm making myself drink more water and have stocked up on cranberry juice. I will also re-address my diet. Good luck, I hope u get it sorted x

08-08-2012, 10:32 AM
Sammyantha. You sound just like me. Obsessing over why I've got, yet again, another uti. And when I don't have one I'm anxiously waiting for another one to occur. And come to think of it, mine didn't start until after I had my baby. He's 2 now. I don't drink carbonated beverages. I drink about 10 glasses of water a day. I drink cranberry juice AND take the cranberry tablets. Right now I'm on antibiotics again! But it still doesn't feel right! Even though I'm on the antibiotics I still feel like something is still there. I constantly have a fullness / pressure in my lower abdomen. Im taking Candex to prevent candida build up and a probiotic to replace all the good bacteria. Today I started on some herbal urinary tract supplements and I guess I just wait and see. I had a total meltdown today. Just couldn't cope with yet another uti. Had a very teary day feeling anxious, so ended up resorting to using my Valium. Let's hope tomorrow is better. Good luck with your uti. Fingers crossed we both pick up from here on in!!

08-09-2012, 12:43 AM
Okay, I didn't read through all the posts, so idk if anyone has a.ready said this but, you said, as soon as you feel normal you start feeling like you are losing it. You need to live it one day at a time. Each day you get through without "losing it" is an accomplishment.