View Full Version : Help pain/burning stomach!!!

08-02-2012, 10:55 PM
Hello I have generalized anxiety, and this is the first time this has happened to me. My stomach has been hurting/burning for a few days now. Has this ever happened to anyone. Don't know if it's from the anxiety or what.

08-02-2012, 11:03 PM
You could have gas, heartburn, Irritable bowel syndrome. I have IBS and it causes cramping and pain in my abdomen. Usually stress and intense anxiety triggers it like clockwork.

08-02-2012, 11:11 PM
I went to the ER 3 nights ago, and the Dr said every thing checked out fine with my blood work, and my pee test came back normal. He said that I may have gas build up, which I've been burping a lot. Now that I'm thinking about my stomach burning/hurting, it is to begin to burn/hurt. Maybe it is my anxiety. I mean I'm fine during the day, but when I lay down at night it seems to start up.

08-03-2012, 01:04 AM
The biology behind this:

In fight-or-flight mode, your vital organs get the lions share of fresh, adrenalin-fuelled blood in preparation to run or fight.

Unfortunately, this means less blood for less vital organs, such as stomach.

The consequences are that anxiety sufferers will find they need the toilet more frequently (in order to lose some weight - enabling us to run faster) and of course
the stomach isn't working as efficiently as possible, causing excess gas, acid and so on.

Best you can do is take ant-acids and try to relax.