View Full Version : I really need a response here-- serious fear!

02-22-2007, 05:31 AM
Sorry for the stupid headline. basically I had a nervous freak-out at school yesterday because I thought I had contracted HIV from a high school sophomore a few years back after I found he had a scab down there. My rational went like this: he probably had syphilis, even though I don't, and he probably got syphilis from sleeping with men, which means he probably got HIV from them. He claims to be straight and everything, and this is really plaguing me for years longer than it should! I don't speak to him anymore and I want to get tested for HIV but my parents won't let me and many doctors told me I don't have it and testing would only validate my fears...what should I do to relax?

02-22-2007, 06:28 AM
There should be free clinics for you to get tested, although i amn't sure if this is the case in america.

As for a scab on his groin, it is very unlikely to be the result of HIV. First of all, HIV takes years to develop into full blown AIDS and he would be in pretty bad shape. AIDS sometimes takes 20 years to show up. It depends when the carrier started their drugs. I would agree with your doctor and your parents that you don't have it. However, if you are seriously concerned, then get tested. Your parents were not there with you and therefore probably don't know EVERYTHING that happened...did he start bleeding, did you use protection etc etc etc.

One question, have you had blood taken recently at all? In the uk, when they take blood from you they keep a drop back to be tested for HIV. This is part of being proactive against the fight. Relax...aids is no longer the death sentence it used to be, but you more than likely don't have it.

02-22-2007, 09:53 AM
Yep SCABS not a sign of HIV or AIDS. If you want to get tested do so but if the scab healed up and went away I think you'll ba fine. Certainly no need for an AIDS test. DO you have SAFE sex? If not this would be a sensible course of action in the modern world. If you do you seriously have very little to worry about.



02-22-2007, 02:34 PM
ah no it isn't that I thought the scab was a symptom of HIV, but rather that it looked like a symptom of syphilis, and i read somewhere that syphilis mainly occurs in gay men, which means he could have been screwing around behind my back with guys, but at the time he was sixteen years old and so was I, and he considers himself straight and is kind of an "asshole homophobic jock" if anything, so people doubt that he's gay. (By the way, I'm not assuming all gay men have AIDS, obviously, a lot of my friends are gay and healthy, so I don't mean to be offensive). basically I just freaked out. I'm doing a little better today (knock wood). Thanks so much for your replies, I hope there's some truth in the idea that I'm healthy.

02-22-2007, 04:25 PM
Your best bet is to go and get tested.
You're having irrational fears and will only suppress them once you have factual evidence that you do not have any of these sicknesses.
You can take an HIV anti-body test that requires no needles and is simply a saliva test. You'll get your results in less than 20 minutes.
Stay well.

02-22-2007, 05:38 PM
ah thanks even though that kinda makes me nervous...i can't though because i live with my parents and i can't drive, haha.